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Ver, 5, 6, e- rendring Waiting taeceffär. 38L Gods Throne is laid to be in Heaven, and there principally do the glorious beams of his terrible Majeliy ftnne forth. But he bath alfo made Come Keprefentarion ofit on the Earth, that we might learn to fear before him. Such was the appearance that he gave of his glory in thegiviug ofthe Law, whereby he will jetdge the world, and condemn the tranfgrcffors of it, who ob- tain not an acqutrnment in the blood of jefus Chrtlt. See the de- fcription of :t in Exod. t 9. t6., 18. So terriblewas the fght here- or, that hidfes him f Iffaid, I exceedingly fear and quake, Heb. r 2. 21. And whit eiled it had upon all the people is declared, Ea od. 20. IS, i 9. They were not able to bear it, although they had gond affurancc that it was for their benefit and advantage, that he fo drew nigh and manifetied his Glory unto them. Are we not f tistied with out condition ? cannot we Trait under his preterit difpenfations ? kt us think how we may approach un- to his prefence, or Rand before his Glories Msie ty. Will not the dread of his Excellency fall upon us ? will t of his rcrrour make us afraid ? {hall we not think his w y belt, and big time heft, and that our duty is to be filent before him ? And the like manifcftarion bath he made of his Glory, as the great Judge of all upon the Throne unto fundry of the Prophets, as unto jfsiah, chop. 6. T, 2, 3, 4. to EzekLiel. chap. t. to Daniel, chap. 7: 9, to. to Job., Rev. I. Read the places -attentively, and learn to tremble before him. There are not things that are forrargn unto us. This God is our God. The fame Throne of his Great- nets and Majefily is Rill eftablifhed in the Heaven. Let us then in all our Haltes and heats that our fpirits in any condition are prone unto, preterit our (elves before this Throne of God, and then confider what will be belt for us to fay or do ; what frame of heart and (Pirit will become us, and be fafeit for us. All this Glory Both encompafs us every moment, although we perceive it not. And it will be but a few daies before all the vails and (hades that arc about us, {hall be taken away and depart. And then (hall all this glory appear unto us, unto endlefs blifs, or everlafting woe. Let us therefore know that nothing in our dealings with him doth better become us thanfilentlyfor to wart for him,i and what he will fpeak unto us in our depths and tireights. Cc c Z 5. It