3 82 Con(tderations ofGods Being andAttributes PCal. i 30. 5. It is good to confider the inflances that God bath given of this his Infinite Greatnefs, Power, Majefly and Glory. Such was his mighty work of creating all things out of nothing. We dwell on little Mole -hills in the Earth, and yet we know the ieaft patt of the excellency of that (pot of ground which is given us for our habitation here below. But what is it unto the whole habitable world, and the ful- nefs thereof ? And what an amazing thing is its Greatnefs, with the wide and large Sea , with all forts of creatures therein. The !call of thcfè hath a beauty, a glory, an ex- cellency, that the utmofi of our enquiries end in admiration of. And all this is but the Earth, the lower depreffed part of the world. What (hall we fay concerning the Heavens over us, and all thefe creatures of Light that have their habitations in them ? who can conceive the beauty, order, ufe and courfe of them ? The confideration hereof caufcd the Pfalmift to cry out, Lord our Lord, how excellent andglorious art thou ! Pfal. 8. r. And what is the rife, fpring, and caufe of thefe things ? Are they not all the cffed of the Word of the Power of this glorious God ? And doth he not in them, and by them fpcak us into a Reverence of his Greatnefs ? the like allomay bePaid concerning his mighty and orange works of Providence in the Rule of the World. Is not this he who brought the Flood ofold upon the world of ungodly men ? Is it not he who confirmed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire from Heaven, letting them forth as Examples unto them that íhould afterwards live ungodly, fuffering the vengeance of eternal fire ? Is it not he who defiroyed .4;gypt with his Plagues, and drowned Pharaoh with his Hofl in the red Sea ? Is it not he, one of whole fervants flew an hundred and four- ¡core and five thoufand in Senacheribs Army in one night ? that opened the Earth to fwallow up Dothan and Abiram ? and fent out fire from the Altar to devour Nàdab and Abibu? and have not all ages been filled with fuch in(lanccs of his Greatnefs and Power ? The end why I have infìffed on thefe things, is to thew the Reafinableneßof the Duty which we are preffing unto ; namely to wait on Clod quietly and patiently in every condition of dittrefs.