Ver. 5, 6. rendringWaitinng neceffary. 383 di[Irefs,For what elfe becomes us when we have to do w to this great, and Holy one ? And a due contiderationof thefe things will exceedingly influence our minds thereunto. Secondly, This waiting for God refpetteth the whole of the Condition expreffed in the Pfalm, and this containeth not only fpiritual depths about fin, which we have at large mulled on, but alto providential depths, depths of trouble or aft ion that we may be exercifed withall in the holy wife providence of God. In reference alfo unto thefe, Waiting in patience and filence is our duty. And there arc two confiderations that will allift us in this duty with refpee;} unto fuch depths, that is of Trouble or Affliction. And the firff of thefe is the confe- deration of thofc properties of God, which he exercifeth in an efpccial manner in all his dealings with us, and which in all our troubles we are principally to regard. The fecond is the Confidcration of our felves, what we are, and what we have defcrved. Let us begin with the former ; and there arc four things in Gods difpenfations towards us, and dealing with us, that in thismatter we thould confider,all fuited to work in us the end aimed at. The firft is his Soveraígnty: this he declares, this we are to acknowledge, and fubmit unto, in all the great and dreadful difpenfations of his Providence in all his dealings with our fouls. May he not dowhat he will with his own ? who thall fay unto him, what doti thou ? or if they do fo, what 11101 give them countenance, in their fo doing ? He made all this world of nothing, and could have made another, more, or all thingsquite otherwife than they are, It would not fubfift one moment without his Omnipotent fupportment. Nothing would becontinued in its place, courfe, ufe, without his effe- dual influence and countenance. If any thingcan be, live, or all a moment without him, we may take free leave, to difputc its difpofal with him, and to hafte unto the accomplithment of our delires ? but from the Angels in Heaven, to the worms of the earth, and the graft of the field, all depend on him and his power continually.Why was this part of the Creation,an Angel, that a Worm, this a Man, that a Brute Beaff ; is it from their own Choice, defigning or contrivance, or brought about by C c c 3 their