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384. Confederationsof Gods Being andAttributes Kai., 30. their own wifdom ; or is it meerty from the Soveraign plea- fure and will of God ? And what a madnefs is it, to repine againl1 what he doth, feeing all things arc, as he makes them, and difpofeth them ; nor can be otherwife ; Even the repiner himfelf bath his Being and fubfifl:encc upon his meer pleafure. This Soveraignty of God, Elibu çleads in his dealings with Job, Chap. 33. 8, 9, 10, I. He ap- prehended that Job had reafoned againll Gods fcvere difpenfa- tions towards him, and that he did not humble himfclt under his mighty hand wherewith he was exercifed, nor wait for him in a due manner ; and therefore what doth he propofe unto him to bring him unto this duty ; what Both he reply unto his reafonings and Complaints ; behold faith he v. 12. in this thou art not J0,1will anfiner. thee, God is greater than man, v. 13. why doff thou ffrive againff him, for he givetb not account of any of bid matters. Be it that in other things thou art Juff and Innocent, that thou art free from the things wherewith thy friends have charged thee ; yet in this matter thou art not Jujf ; it isneither juJf nor equal, that any man fhould complain of, or repine againti any of Gods difpenfations ;' yea, but I fuppofe that thefe dealings of God are very grieves, }fiery dreadful, fuck as he bath, it may be, fcarce exerci`.ed towards any from the foundation of the world; to be utterlydrftroyed, and confused in a day, in all Relations, and Enjoyments, and that at a time and feafon, when no filch thing was looked for, or provided againl1 ; to have a fenfe of fin revived on the Confcience after pardon obtained, as it is with me ; sll is one, faith he, if thou complainelf, thou art not guff ; And what reafon dothhe give thereof? why God is greater than mars ; in- finitely fo,in power, and Soveraign glory ; he is fo abf lately theieira, that be givetb no account of any of his rna; tens ; and what folly; what injutliceis it to complain of his proceedings. Confider his abfolute dominion over the works of his hands, over thy fell, and all.that thou hall ; his infinite diffance from thee, and Greatneffabove thee, and then fee whether it be_jug or no to repine againfi what he doth.- And he purfues the fame Confidcration Chap34.18,19. If when Kings and Princes rule in Righteoufnefs it is a contempt of their .Authority. to fay