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`Ter.5,6. rendring Waiting neceffäry. 3 5 fay unto them they are wicltgd and ungodly, then wilt thou fpeak againti him, contend with him, that accepteth not the perfons of Princes, nor regardetb the rich more than the poor for they are all the works of his hands , and v. 29. when hegiv- eth q.uietneff who can male trouble, and when he hideth his free ; whocan behold him ? whether it be done againft a Nation, or againJt a man only. All is one what ever God doth, and to- wards whornfoever, be they many or few, an whole Nation or City, or one fingle pafon, be they high or low, rich or poor, good or bad, all are the works of his hands, and he may deal with them, as Cams Good unto him. And this man alone, as God afterwards declares, made ufe of the right and proper mediums to take of Job from Complaining, and to compofe his fpirit to reti and peace, and to bring him to wait patiently for God, For whereas his other friends injurioufly charged him with Hypocrifie, and that he had in an efpecial manner above other meri deferved thofe Judgements of God which he was exercifed withall ; he who was confciows unto his own Inte- grity, was only provoked andexafperated by their arguings, and flirted up to plead his own Innocency and uprightnefs. But this man allowing him the plea of his Integrity, calls him to the confideration of the Greatneß and Soveraignty of God againti which there is no riling up. And this God himfelf af- terwards calls him unto. Deep and ferious thoughts of Gods Soveraignty, and ab- folute Dominion or Authority over all the works of his hands, are an effe1ual means to work the foul unto this duty. Yea, this is that which weare to bring our fouls to. Let us conti der withwhomwe have to do, are not we and all our con- cernments in his hands, as the Clay in the hand of the Potter ? and may he not do what he will with his own ? Shall we call him unto an account ? Is not what hedoth, good and holy be- caufehe doth it ?.do any repining thoughts againfi the works of God arife in our hearts ? are any Complaints ready to break out of our mouths ? let us lay our hands on our hearts, and our mouths in the dutt, with thoughtsof his Greatneß and abfolute Soveraignty and it will workour whole fouls into . a better frame. A-nd