386 Cont.deratìons o, fGods EeingandAttributes PCal.130. And this extends it felt. unto the manners, Times, and fea- Ions of all things whatever. As in earthly things ; If God will bring a dreadful Judgement of fire upon a people, a Na- tion ; ah, why mull it be London; It onLondon, why fo terri- ble, raging, and unconquerable ? Why the City, not the Suburbs ? Why my houle, not my neighbours ? Why had fuch one help and I none ? all thele things are wholly to be referred to Gods Soveraign pleafure. There alone can the foul of Man find reti and peace. It is fo in fpiritual dtfpenfa- tions alto. Thus Aaron upon the fuddain death of his two eldeff Sons, being minded by Mofes of Gods Soverainty and Heltneß, im- mediatly heldhispeace, or quietly humbled himfelf under his mighty hand, Levit. 10. 3, 4. And David when things were brought into extream confution by the Rebellion of Abfolom fol- lowed by the Ungodly multitude of the whole Nation, relin- quitheth all other Arguments and Pleas, and lets goe com- plaints in a refignation of himfclf and all his Concernments unto the abfolute pleafure of God, 2 Sam. 15. 25, 26. And this in all our extremities mua we bring our fouls unto, be- fore we can attain any reff or peace, or the leali comfortable perfwafion that we may not yet fall under greater feverities in the juil Indignation of God again(l us. 2. The Wifdoni of God is alto to be Confidered and fub- mitted unto. lob 9.4. He it wife in heart who bath hardened bimfelf againft hint and proffered. This the Prophet joyns with his Greatnefs and Soveraignty, Ifa. 4o. 12, 13, 14. There it no fearching of his undcrftascding, v. 28. And the Aponte winds up all his Confiderations of the works of God in an holy Admiration ofhis Knowledge and Wifdom, whence his judge- ment becomes unfearchable,andhis wayespaff finding out, Rom. i t. 33,34.He feethand knoweth all things,in all theirCaufes,Effetïs, confequences and circumftances, in their utmoti reach and tendency in their correfpondencies one unto another, and fuit- ablenefs untohis own Glory, and fo alone judgeth aright of all things. The wife(l of men as David fpeaks walk, in a (bade. We fee little, we know little, and that but of a very few things, and in an imperfect manner ; and that of their prefent appearances,