Ver.5 rendring Waiting nece [áry. 3 7 appearances, abfraded from their Iffues, Succeffes, Ends, and Relations unto other things. And if we wouldbe further wife in the works of God, we shall befound to be like the wild Afes Colt. What is good for us or the Church of God, what is evil to it or us, we Know not at all ; but all things are open and naked unto God . The day will come indeed wherein we (hall have fuck a profpe& of the works of God, fee one thing fo fit againti another, as to find Codnefs, Beauty, and Order in them all , that they were all done in number., weight and meafure that nothing could have been otherwife without an abridge- ment ofhis glory and difadvantage ofthem that believe in hirn. But for the prefcnt all our wifdomcontifs in referring all unto him. He who doth there things is infinitely wife, he knows what he doth, and why, and what Will be the end of all. We are apt, it may be, to think, that at fuch feafbns all things will go to wrack, with our felvcs, with the Church, or with the whole world ; how can this breach be repaired, this lofs made up, this ruine recovered ? peace is gone, trade is gone, our fub- fiance is gone, theChurch is gone, all is gone, conflation and utter dcfolation lye at the door. But ifa man who is unskilled and unexperienced thould be at Sea, it may be every time the veffel wherein he is,feems to decline on either fide, he would be apt to conceive,they lhould be all call away, but yet ifhe be not childijbly timerous when the Matter (hall tell him that there is no danger, bid him truti to his skill and it (hall be well with him, it will yield quietnels and fatisfadion.We are indeed in a form, the whole earth kerns to reel and fagger like a drunken man but yet our fouls may refs in the infinite skill and wifdom of the great Pilot of the whole Creation, who (tears all things according to the Counfel ofhis Will. His works are manifold, in Wifdom háth he made all thefe things, Pfal. 104. 24. And in the fame wifdomdoth hedifpofeof them. All thefe things come forth from the Lord of Hafts, who is wonderfull, in cottnf1, and excellent in working, Ifa. 28. 29. What is good, meet, ufefull for us, for ours, for the Churches, for the City, for the Land of our Nativity he knows, and ofCreatures not one. This infi- nite Wifdomof God alto are we therefore to refign and submit oar felves unto. His hand in all his works is guided by Infi- D d d nice