388 Confideration.c of Gods Righteottfnefs Pfal. i3o Hitc Wildom. In thoughts thereof, in humbling our felves thereunto, (hall we find reti and peace, and this in all our pref- lures will work us to a waiting for him. 3. The Righteoufnefs of God is allo to be confidered in this matter. That name in the Scripture is ufed to denote ma- ny Excellencies of God, all which are reducible unto the in- finite Reîiitude of his Nature. I intend that at prefent which is called Jujiitia Regimin, his Righteoufnefs in Rule or Go- vernment. This is remembred by Abraham, Gen. 18. 25. Shall not the judge of all the earth do right ? And by the Apotìle; Is God unjuft who talth vengeance ? God forbid. This our fouls are ro swn in all the works of God. They are all righteous ; all hia who will do no iniquity, whofe Throne it eftablrfhed in Judgement. However they may be dreadful!, grievous, and feem leyere, yet they are all righteous : It is true, he will form- times rife up and doftrange axis, /trange works, Ifa. 28.21. Such as he will not do often nor ordinarily; fuch as (hall fill the world with dread and amazement : He will anfwer big people in terrible things ? But yet all (hail be in E igbteoufneß. And to complain of that which is righteous, to repine againft it, is the highefi unrighteoufnefß that may be. Faith thenfixing the foul on the Righteoufnefsof God, is an effectual means to humble it under his mighty hand : And to help us herein we may con- fider, t^onGdera- r - That God judgeth not as span judgeth. We judge by the lions of geeing of the Eye, and hearing of the Ear, according to outward GodsRizh- appearances and evidences. But Godfearcheth the heart. We teoufnefs judge upon what is between man and man, God principally in his upon what is between himfelf and man. And what do we Judge- know or underhand of theft: things ? or what thci a is in the sa,enrs. heart ofman; what purpofes, what contrivances, what defigns, what corrupt affections, what fins, what tranladions havebeen between God and them ; what warnings he hath given them, what reproofs,what ingagements they have made,what convi- &ions they have had, what ufe they were putting their lives, their fubftance, their families unto ? Alas; we know nothing of thefe things, and fo are able to make no judgement of the proceedings