Ver. 5, 6. in his' 7udgensent.r. 389 proceedingsot God upon them; but thiswe know, that he is Righteous in all his wales, and holy in all his works ; yea the moll terrible of them : And when the fecrets of all hearts (hall be revealed, ah how glorious will be his drowning of the old world, firing ofSodom, swallowing up of Datban and Abiram in the earth, the utter rejelion of the Pews, with all other as of his Providence kerning to be accompanied with feverity ? And fo will our own Tryals inward or outward appear to be. 2. God is judge of all the world, of all ages, times, pikes, perfons,and difpofeth of all fo as they may tend unto the good of the whole, and his own Glory in the univerfe. Oar thoughts are bounded, much more our Obfervationsand Abilities to mea- fure things, within a very (mall compafs. Every thing flands alone unto us, whereby we fee little of its beauty or order nor do know how it ought jutily to be difpofed of. That par- ticular may feemdeformed unto us, which when it is under his eye, who fees all at once, pail., prefeat and to come, with all thole joynts and bands ofWifdom and Order, whereby things are re- lated unto oneanother, is beautifull and glorious; for as no- thing is ofits jelf, nor by its felf, nor to its Pelf, fo nothingHands ahne ; but there is a line ofmutual refpe6 that runs through the Creation, and every particular of it, and that in all its changes and alterations from the beginning to the end, which gives-it its Lovelinefs, Life and Order. He that can at once fee but one part ofagoodly ffatua or Coloffus, might think it a very de- formed piece ; when he that views it altogether, is allured of its due proportion fymmerry and lovelinefs. Now all things, ages andperfons, all thus at once are objec`fed unto the fight of God., and he dilpofeth them with refped unto the whole, that every one may fill up its own place, and futiain its part and (hare in the common tendency ofall to the fame end. And henceit is that in publick Judgements and Calamities God oftentimes fuffers theGodly to be involved with thewicked, and that not On the account of their own perfons, but as they areparts of that body which he will defiroy. This Job expref- feth fotnewhat harjhly, but there is truth in his Affection, chap. 9. 22, 23. This if one thing, therefore 1Paidit, he deroyeth the D d d a righteous