3 90 Con(iderationsofGods Righteoufnefr, Pt-al.] 30. righteous with the wickfd. If the fcourge fly fuddenly he will laugh at the tryal of the Innocent. God in publick dcfolations oftentimes takes good and bad together ; a (-Liddell fcourge in- volves them all ; and this God doth for fiandry Reafons : As, I. That he may manifett his own Holinefs ; which is fucb that he can without the leaf Injuf}ice or Oppreffi n, even upon the account of their own provocations, take away the houles, polleffions, Oates, l:b rties, and lives of the belt of his own :paints. For how fhould a mar, any man, the be of men, be jut' with God if he would contend with him ? No man can anfwer to him ewe of a thoufand, job 9. 31. This they wi4l alto own and acknowledge ; upon the account ofRighteoufnefs, none can open his mouth about his Judgements, without the highea impiety and wickednefs. 2. He doth fo, that hie own people may learn to know his ter - rour, and to rejoyce alwaies before himwith trembling. There- fore Job affirms that in the time of hie pro#erity he war not fe- cure, but Hill trembled in himfelf with thoughts of the Judge- ments of God. Doubtlçis much wretched.carnal fecurity would be ready to invade and'pofléfs the hearts of Believers, if God fhould alwaiesand conttantly pats them by in thedifpenfati.ons of his publick Judgements. 3. That it may be a fitone of(fence, and atumbling blockunto tricked men, who are to be hardened in their fins, and prepared for ruine. When they fce that all things fall alike unto all, and that tholewho have made the ttric` ef' preftfíion of the name and fear of God, fare no better than themlelves, they are en- couraged to dtfrife the warnings of God, and the firokes of his hand; and lo to ruth on unto the deftruc` ion whereunto they are prepared -. 4. Goddoth it toproclaim unto all the world, that what die doth bere is nofinal judgement, and ultimate determination "concerning things, and perlons. For who can fee the wife man dying as the fool, the Rigbteous and Holy perifhing in their outward . concernmenrs, as the ungodly. and wicked, but mutt conclude, that the Righteous God the Judge of all, hath ap- pointed another day, wherein all things mutt be called over Again, and every one then receive his final Rewar4,according as