Ver. 5, 6. Confiderations ofour own Condition, 2 e. 3 9 I as his works (hail appear to have been. And thus are we to humble our (elves unto the Righteoufnefs wherewith the hared of God is alwaies accompanied. 5. His Goodnefs andGrace is all() to be con1idered in all the worksofhis mightyhands. As there is no unrighteoufnefs in him, fo alto all that is goodandgracious. And whatever there is in any trouble of allay from the utmoli wrath, is ofmeer good - nets and grace. Thy houles-are burned, but perhaps thy goods arc faved ; is there no grace, no goodnefs therein ? or per- haps thy fubliance alto isconfumed, but yet thy prfon is alive, and t'hould a living man complain ? but fay what thou wilt, this [froke is not Hell which thou hatI deferved long ago; yea it may be a means ofpreventing thy going thither; fo that it is accompanied with infinite goodaiefs, patience and mercy alto. And if the confederations hereof will not quiet thy heart, take heed left a worfc thing befall thee. And thefe things amongtt others are we to confider. in God to lead our hearts into an acquiefcing in his Will, a fubmillïon under his mighty hand, and a patient waiting for the Ate. 2. Confider our mean and abjel condition, and that infinite Con(ìdera- diftance wherein we ftand from himwith whom we have to da. ticns of our When Abraham, the Father of the faithful!,, and friend ofG.od, òn on came to treat with him about his Judgements, he doth it with tending to this acknowl'.ogement of his condition, that he was meer duff Humble and afbes, Gen. 18. 27. A poor abjeal Creature that God at his us. jrleafure had ti)rmed out of the duff of the earth, and which in a few daies way wo be reduced again into the attics ofit. We can forget nothing more pernicioufly than what we are. Man is a worm, faith Bildad, and theSon ofman it but a worm, Job 25.6. And therefore: (ayes lob h.irnfelf, Ihave faid tocorruption, thou art my father, and to the worm, thou art my mother and my filer, chap. x7. 14. His Afiiity, his Relation unto them is the . neareft imagi.table, and he is no other wife to be accounted of ; and there is nothing that God abhors more-than an Elation of mind in the forgetfulnefs of our mean frail condition. Thou fayett, Paid he to the proud Prince of Tyrus, that thou art a God, but faithhe, wilt thou fay thou art aGod in the hands of him that D d d 3 !-yes