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3 96 Contideration.r of our own Conditron, &c, pfal.i 30. together for good; together with one another, and all with and in fubordination unto the power, grace, and wifdom of God. It may be, we fee not how, or by what means it may be Efl:oted : but he is infinitely wife and powerful, who hath undertaken it, and we know little or nothing of his ways. There is nothing that we have, or enjoy ,or defire, but it hath turned unto time unto their hurt. Riches have been kept for men unto th, it hurt. Wifdom and high places have been the ruine of many. Libertyand plenty are to moll a fnare. Pro- fperity flaycs the fooli fly. And we are not of our felves, in any rneaíure able to fecure our Elves from the hurt and poifon that is in any of thefe things, but that they may be our ruine alto, as they have already been, and every day are unto multitudes of the Children of men. It is enough to fill the foul of any man withhonour and amazernent,toconfider the wayes and ends of molt of them that areentrufled with this worlds goods. Is it not evident that all their lives they feem induftrioufly to take care that they may perifh eternally ? Luxury, riot, oppreffìon, Intemperance (and of late efpecially) blafphemy and Atheifm, they ufually give up thenifelvcs unto. And this is the fruit of their abundance and fecurity. What now if God should depriveus of all thefe things ? Can any one certainly fay, that he is worsted thereby ? might they not have turned unto his everlatìwg perdition, as well as they do fo of thoufands as good by nature, and who have had advantages to be as wife as we ? and (hall we complain of Gods difpenfations about them? And what shall we fay, when he himfelf hath undertaken to make all things that he.guidcs unto us to work together for our good ? Anxieties of mind, and perplexities of heart about our lofíes is not that which we are called unto in our troubles- but this is that which is our duty let us Confider whether we Love God or no, whether we are called according to had pur- pofe, if fo, all things are well in his handwho can order them for our good and advantage. I hopemany a poor foul will from hence under all their trouble be able. to fay with him that was banifhed horn his Countrey, and found better en- tertainment elfewhere My Friends, I hadperifhed, if 1. had not peri«hed ; had I not been undone by Fire, it may be I had been