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OOP Ver.S, 6. Supportment in 7-rouble, &c. been ruined in Eternal Fire, God bath made all to work for my good.. The end of all thefe difcourfes is to evince the rea1onablenefs of the duty of waiting on God, which we are prefiing from the Pfalmíff. Ignorance of God and our felves, is the great principle and caufe of all our difquietments. And this arifeth moítly, not fromwant of light and intlruf ion, but for want of Confideration and Application. The notions infitled on con- cerning God are obvious and known unto all ; fo are thefe con- cerning our felves ; but by whom almoft are they employed and improved as they ought ? the frame of our fpirits is -as though we flood upon equal terms with God, and did think with Jonah, that we might do well to be angry with what he Both ; did we rightly confider him, did we fiand in awe of him as we ought, It had certainly been otherwife with us. Influence of the Promífes into the fouls waiting in `time of trouble. The nature ofthem. Having therefore laid down thefe Confideritions from the fecond Obfervation taken from the Words; namely, That Jeho- vah himfelf i, the proper ofjea of the fouls waiting in the condition defcribed ; I (hall only add one dire ion, how we may be enabled to perform and difcharge this duty aright, which we have manifefled to have been fo necetfary, tó reafonable, fo pre- valene for the obtaining of relief, and this arifeth from ano- ther of the Propofitions laid down for the opening of thefe verfcs not asyet fpoken unto. Namely that The Wordof promife_ is the fouls great fupportment in waiting `u:?P<'''- for God. So faith the Pfalmift`; In his word do I hope, that is, "''-,,t i tr,úlc r; the Word of promife. As the Werd in general is the adequate rule of all our Obedience unto God, and Communion with Word of him ; fo there are efpecial parts of it that are fuited unto thee_ Pro':ìd . efpecia1` aáings of our foulstowards him. Thus the Wörd''of Promife, or the Promife in the Word,- is that which our faith' efpecially regards, in our hope, truft and waiting on God it is fuited to anfwer unto the immediate adings of our foals therein. From this Word-of Promife therefore, that is fiorn thee' E e e z prorif s -r.....0 397