_._.__,.... '3 98 supportment in Trouble Pfal. i 30. promifes do h the foul in its dithcl es take icouragement to continue whiting on God, and that on there two accounts. 1. Becaufe they are declarative of God, his Mind and his W 11 : And fècondly, becaufe they are communicative of grace and lirength to the foul ; of which latter we fhall not here treat. 1. The End and Ufe oftheProntife is to declare, reveal and make known God untó Believers, and that in an efpecial man- ner in him, and concerning him, which may give them en- couragement to wait for him. I.' The promifes are a declaration of the Nature of God, efpe- cially of his Goodnefs, Grace and Love. God hath put an impreffion of all the glorious Excellencies of his nature on his Word, efpecially as he is in Chriii, on the Word of the Gofpel. There as in a Glafs do we behold bie Glory in the face of Jefus Chrift. As his Commands exprefs unto us his Holinefs, his ihreatnings, his Righteoufnefs and Severity ; Co do his Pro- miles, his Goodnefs, Grace, Love and Bounty. And in there things do we learn all that we truly and folidly know ofGod ; that is, weknow him in and by his Word. The foul there- fore that in this condition is waiting on, or for God, confiders the Reprefentation which he makes ofhimfelf, and of hisown nature in and by the promifes, and receives fupportment and encouragement in its duty. For if God teach us by the pro- mifes what he is, and what he will be unto us, we have firm ground toexpeó from him all fruits of Benignity, Kindnefs and Love. Let the foul frame in it fell that Idea ofGod, which is exhibited in the Promifes, and it will powerfully prevail with It to continue in an Expe&ation ofhis gracious returns; they aU exprefliing Goodnefs, Love, Patience, Forbearance, Long- fuffering, PardoningMercy, Grace, Bounty, with a full fatal falory reward. This is the beauty of the Lord mentioned with admiration by theProphet ; How great is his gordneff. ! howgreat is hie beauty !! Zeph. 9. i7. Which is the great at- trat`tive ofthe foul to adhere conftantly unto him. Whatever diffiicrtlties arife, whatever temptations interpole, or weari- fomenefs grows upon us in our tireights, troubles, trials and defertions, let us not entertain fuch thoughts ofGod as our own