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uer. , 6. from the word ofPromàfe; 399 own perplexed imaginations may be apt .to fuggtft unto us. This would quickly cats us into a thoutand impatiencics, mit givings and mitcarriages ; but the remembrance of; and me- ditation on God in his promifes as revealed by them, as exprJf fed in them,is fuited quite unto other ends and purpofes. There appears, yea glorioufly fhines forth, that Love, that Wifdom, that Goodnefs, Tendernefs and Grace, as cannot but encox- rage a believing foul to abide in waiting.for him. 2. The Word of Promife doth not only exprefs G, ds nature as that wherein he propofeth himfelf unto the contemplation of faith, but it alfo declares his Will and Purpofe ofaóting towards the foul fuitable unto his own Goodnefs and Grace.For ?roatifrs are the declarations of Gods purpofe and will to aót towards Believers inChrifi Jefus, according to the infinite Goodnefs of his ownnature, and this is done in great variety according to the various conditions and wantsof them that do believe. They, all proceed from the fame fpring of Infinite Grace, but are branched into.innumerable particular ftreams according as Our. neccfitiesdo require. To theft do waiting fouls repair for flay and encouragement. Their perplexities principally arife from their mifapprehenfions of what God is in himfelf, and of what he will be unto them ; and whither fhould they repair to be undeceived, but unto that faithfull Reprefentation that he bath. made of himfelf and his Will in the Word of his Grace. For. no man bath feen God at any time, theonly begotten. Son who is in the bofime of the Father, he barb revealed bins, John I. 17... Now the Gofrel is nothing but,the Word of Promife explained in all the Springs, Caufes andEfeús ofit ; thither: muti we repair to be intiruóted in this matter. The imaginations and reafon ings ofmens hearts will but deceive them in there things. The informations or infiruF ions of other menmay do fo ; nor have they any truth in them further than.they may refolved into the Word of Promife. Here alone they may find ref} and refrefh- ment. The foul of whomwe fpeak, is under troubles, per- plexities and diftreffes as to its outward condition; preffed with many tireights it may be on every hand ; and as to its fpiritual eftate under various apprehenfions of the mind and will ofGod towards it, as bath before at large been explained ; in this co . Eee 3 dition