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400 Supportrent in Trouble Pfa. r 30 dition it is brought in fore meafure unto an holy fubmillion unto God, and a patient waiting for the iflue of its trials. In this etiate it hath many temptations to, and much working of unbelief. The whole of its oppofition amounts to this, that it is negleeiedofGod, that its way is hid, and his judgement is paired over from him, that it (hall not be at prefnt deliv :red, nor hereafter Caved. What courte can any one advife finch a one unto for his relief, and to preferve his foul from faintingor deferting the duty of waiting on God wherein he is engaged, but only this, to fearch and enquire what Revelation God hath made ofhimfelf and his Will concerning him in his Word : And this the prorniu.; declares. Here he (hall find hope, patience, faith, expectation to be all encreaftd, comforted, encouraged. Herein lye.; the duty and fafety ofany in this condition. Men may bear the firff impreffion of any trouble' with the frrength, courage and refolution of their natural fpirits ; under forme con- tinuanceof them they may fupport thernfelves'wirh formerex- periences, and other ufual fprings and means of confolation: Eut if their wounds prove difficult to be cured, -if they defpife ordinary remedies, if their difeafes are of long continuance, this is that which they mull betake themfelvesunto. Theymuff fearch into the Word of promife, and learn to meafure things not according to the prefent (late and apprehenfïons of their mind, but according unto what God bath declared concern- ing them. And there are fundry Excellencies in the promifes when hoped in, or truf}ed in, that tend unto the eflablithment of the foul in this great duty of waiting. As, r.That Grace in them,that is,the Good Will ofGod in Chrift, for help, relief, fatisfaâion, pardon and falvation, is fuited unto all particular conditionsand wants of the foul. As Light arifeth from the Sun, and is diffufed in the beams thereof to the efpecial Ofe ofall creatures, enabled by a vifive faculty to make ufe of it fö cometh Grace forth from the Eternal,Good Will ofGod in Chrift, and is diffufed by the promifes, with a blefred contetn-' poration unto the conditions and wants ofall Believers. There can nothing fall out between God and any foul, but there is grace fatted unto it in one promife or another, as clearly and evidently,