Ver. 5 ,6. frone the Word of !'rowife. 40 r evidently, as if it were given unto him particularly and imme- diately. And this they find by experience who at any time are enabled to mix cffedually a promife with faith. 2. The Word ofpromife hath a wonderfull 'myffericus efpecial imprefon of God upon it. He doth by it fecretly and ineffably communicate himfelf unto Believers': '`When God appeared in a dream unto Jacob, he awaked and laid, God is in thw pl::ee and Iknew it not. He knew God was every where, but an in- timation of his efpecial pretence furprized him. So is a foul furprized when God opens himfelf and his Grace in a prornif unto him. Ir cryes out, God is here and I knew it not. Such a near approach ofGod in his Grace it finds, as is accompanied with a refrefhing furprizal. 3.There is an efpecial Engagement of the Veracity and Truth ofGod in every promife. Grace and Truth are the two ingre- dients of an Evangelical promife ; the matter and formwhere- ,of they do confill. I cannot now flay to thew wherein this efpe- cial engagement of Truth in the promife doth confifi. Befides, it is a thing known and confeffed. But it bath an efpecial influ- ence to fupport the foul when hoped in, in its duty of waiting. For that hope can never make aíhamed or leave the foul unto difappointments, which Hayes its fell on Divine Veracity un- der a fpecial engagement. And this is that duty which the Pfalmift engageth himfelf in, and unto the performance of, as the Only way to obtain a com- fortable interef in that forgivenefs which-is with God, and all the gracious effec`ds thereof. And in the handling hereof, as we have declared its natureand neceflity ; fo we have the Pfalmitis directions for its prance unto perlons i.n.'thr.iike condiuion withhim, for the attaining of the end byhim aimed at fo that it needs no further Application. That which remains sof the ?faint is the Addrefs which he makes unto others, with the en- couragement which he gives them to fleer the fame courfe with ;hirrrfelf ; and. thishe doth in the two la(i vcrfes,, which to corn pleat the E.ap,ofition of the wliQle.Pfalm, I (hall tiéíly; plain and pals through, as having already difpatchedtwbat I princi- pally aimed at. Werfe 7.