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4.02 Expoittion of verfe 7, and8. P:a?.r3o. v. 7, 8. Ezpotïtian of ver%q, &8. Pfa1.13c- Verle 7. Let Iliad hope in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous Re- demption. 8. AndheJballredeem Ifraelfrom all his iniquities. I (hall proceed in the opening ofthefe words, according un- to the method already inlitt:d on. Firtt, the meaning ofthe principal words (hall be declared ; then the fenfe and impor- tance ofthe whole. Thirdly, theRelations that they have unto the condition of the foul exprFffed in the Pfalne mutt be mani- felled ; from all which Obfervatúms will arge for our Inftru- ¿hon and Directions in the likecats, wherein we are or may be concerned. Let Ifrael hope in the Lord; ;11;11,',Itt trr Hope Jfrael in Jehovah. Trutt, or expect; the fame word with that, verf. 5. In his Word do I hope ; properly, to expel, to loafs for, which includes hope, and adds fome further degree of the fouls acing towards God ; it is an earneft looking after the thing hoped for ; expe(ia ad Dominurn ; hope in him, and look up tohim ; For with the Lord, quia or quoniam, becavfe, freing that with the Lord; ITT mercy ; the verb fubfrantive, as ufual, is omitted, which we fupply, there is Mercy, Grace, Bounty, Goodnefs, Good-will. This word is often joyned with another, difcovering its importance, and that is 3'Çt? Truth. IN ri.,?1:?1. CÇoodnefs, or Mercy and Truth. Thefe are, as it were, conftituent parts of Gods Promifes. It is of Gaodnefs, Grace, Bounty, to promife any undue mercy. And it is of Truth or Faithfulnefs to make good what is fo promiCed. The LXX. commonly render this word by 'Aos , that is, pardoning mercy, as it is every where ufed in the New Te- iiament. And with him is plenteous Redemption ; 171? with him ; as before (peaking unto God, v. 4. with thee there is ; the meaning of which expreflion hath been openedat large. Re- demption tihliq from to redeem ; the fame with PIP .47twvs; , oi~rnrsfrtwvrs , ,Redemption :' This word is often ufed for