Ver. 7, 8. Ex p f tron o Ì er f e 7, and 8. foraproper Redemption, tech as is made by the intervention of a price, and nor a meer Aifertion unto liberty by power, which is fometirnes allo called Redemption. 'Thus it is laid of the money that the firft born of the children of Ifrael, which were above the number of the Levitts were redeemed with; that Mofes took T11 t i the Redemption, that is, theRedemption money, the price of their Redemption, Numb. 3. 49. And pfal. 49. 8. The Redemption of mens fouls is precious; it colt a great price. The Redemption then that is with God, relates unto a Price ; Goodnels or mercy with refpeâ ulito a price, becomes Redcmption,that is ac ivcly, the cauCe or means of ir. What that price is, fee Matth. zo. 2o. i Pet. r. t8. Plenteous Redemption, n47:1 multa, copiíf much, abun- dant, plenteous. It is ufed both for Ziantity and uality; much in quantity, or plenteous, abundant, and in gzality, that is, precious, excellent. And it is applied in a good and bad fenle ; fo it is faid ofour fins, Ezek. 9.6. our tins 127 are in- crcafed or multiplied, or are great; many in number, and hai- nous'in their nature or quality. And in the other fade, it is ap- plied unto the mercy of God, whereby they are removed ;it is great or plenteous, it is excellent or precious. V. 8. Andhe, that is, the Lord Jehovah ; he with whom is plenteous Redemption rr Pal redeem ; or make them par- takers of that Redemption that is withhim. He Pall redeem Ifrael, that is, thofe who hope and truft in him. From all his iniquities IT,It112. "i» ; bis iniquities, that is, of the Elea Ifrael, and every individual amongft them. But the word lignifies trouble as well asfin, efpecially that trouble or punifhment that is for fin. So Cain expretfeth himfelf upon the denunciation of his fentence; ßìt4? '»v. "m4. my fin, that is, the punifhment thou haft denounced againli my tin, is too great or heavy for me to bear, Gen. 4..13. There is a near af- finity between fin and trouble; noxam pona fequitur, punith- ment is infeparable from iniquity. ¡13), then the word here ufed frgnifìes eitherfin with=reference unto trouble it,ortrouble with refpeett untofin whence it proceeds. And bothmay here be well intended. 'God ,/hall redeem Ifrael from all Ilk fins and troubles that bave enfued thereon; And this is the fig- F if nification 403