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A M 9 Expolqtion of Yole' 7, and 8. PCaI. t 30. nitìcarion of the words, which indeed are plain and ob- vious. And thefe words dole up the Pt-aim. He who began with depths, his own depths of fin and trouble, out of which, and about which he cryedout unto God, is Co incouraged by that profpedof grace and forgivenefs with God, which by faith he had obtained, as to preach unto others, and to fupport them in expedation of deliverance from all their fin and trouble alfo. And fuch for the mof part are all the exercifes and trials of the children of God, Their Entrance may be a form, but their clofe is a calm. Their beginning is oftentimes trouble, but their latter end is peace ; peace to themfclves, and advantage to the Church of God. For men in. all ages coming out of great trials oftheir own,have been the moil inlirumental for the good of others. For God cloth not greatly exercife any of his, but with Come efpecial end for his own glory. Secondly, The fenfe and intendment of the Pfalmift in theCe words is to beconfidered, and that refolves it fell into three general parts. 1. An Exhortalias or Admonition. Ifrael hope in the Lord, or expeä Jehovah. 2. Aground of Incouragement unto the performance of the Duty exhortedunto; B caufe with she Lord there if much, plen- teous, abundant, precious Redemption. 3. Agracious Promife ofa blared iftue which fhali be given unto the performanceof this duty. He Ad l redeem Ifrael from all h. irfns, and our of all hir troubles. In the Exhortation there occurs, T. The perfns exhorted; that is, Ifrael ; not Ifrael according to the fl.fh ; for they are not all Ifrael which are of Ifrael, Rom. 9. 6. But it is the Ifrael mentioned, Pfal. 73. i. The whole Ifrael of God to whom he if good, fuch as are of a clean heart; that is, all thole who are interefed in the Covenant, and do inherit the promife of their forefathers who was firfi called by that name ? All Believers; and the Pfalrnift treats them all in general in this matter. a. Becaufe there is noneof them but have their trials and intanglements about fn, more or lefs. As there is none that lìveth