-241.1111110M Ver.7,8. liveth andfnneth not; fo there is none fnneth, and is not in- tangled and troubled. Perhaps then they are not all of them in the fame condition with him, in the depths that he was plung- ed into. Yet more or lets, all and every one of them is fo tar concerned in fin, as to need his direc`ion. All the Saints of God either have been., or are, ormay be in thefe depths. It is a good Paying ofAujiiin on this place, Valde Junt in profundo qui non cla- mant de profundo. None fo in the deep, as they rv. 'oo do not cry and call out of the deep. They are in a deep of fecurity, who are ne- ver fentìble of a deep of fin. 2. There is none of them, whatever their prefent condition be, but they may fall into the like depths with thole of the Pfalmift. There is nothing absolutely in the Covenant, nor in any Promife, to fecure them from it. And what befalleth any one Believer, may befall them all. If any one Believer may fall totally away, all may do fo, and not leave one in the world ,and fo an end be put to the Kingdomof Chriti, which is no (mall evidence that they cannot fo tall. But they mayfall into depths of tin ; that Comeof them have done fo, we have teflimonies and .in(lances beyond exception. It is good then that all of them thould be prepared for that duty which they may all band in need of, and a right difchargeof it. Befides theduty mentioned, is not abfolutely reftrained to the condition before defcribed:But it is proper and accommodateunto other feafons alto. Therefore are all the Ifragii ofGodexhorted unto it. 2. The duty it fell, is hoping in Jehovah, with fuch an hope or trufi,as hath an expetiation of relief joyned with it.And there are two things included in this duty, r. The Renuntiationofany hopes in expo ation of delive- rance either from fin or trouble, any other way ; hope in Jeho- vah ; this is frequently expretied,where the performance ofthis duty is mentioned ;fee Hof. 4.3. Jer.3.22,23.And we have tie- elated the nature of it in the expofition ofthe I, and 2. verfes. 2. ExpeEïationfrom bim ; and this alto hath been intilied on in the Obfervations from the verles immediately preceding, wherein allo the whole nature of this duty was explained, and directions were given for the due performance of it. Secondly, The incouragement tendred unto this duty, is the F f f z next Expofitionof Vert 7, and8. 405