406 Expoftion of Yerf 7, and8. Pfal.13©. next thing in the words ; for with the Lord is plenteous Re- demption ; wherein we may obferve, a What it it that he profeffcth as the great incouragement unto the duty mentioned, and that is Redemption ; the Redem- ption that is with God ; upon the matter the fame with thefor- given1before mentioned; Mercy, Pardon,Benignjay,Bounty. He Both not bid them hope in the Lord, becaufe they were the feed of Abraham, the peculiar people of God made partakers of priviledges above all the people in the world ; much lets be- caufe of their worthinefs, or that good that was in themfelves,. but meerly upon the account of mercy in God; of his Grace, Goodne(s and Bounty. The Mercy of God, and the Redemption that is with him, is the only ground unto (inners for hope and confidence in him. 2. There are two great Concernments of this Grace, the one expretfed, the other implied in the words. The firft is, that it is mich, plenteous, abundant. That which principally difcourageth diftreffed fouls from a comfortable waiting on God,is, their fears left they fhould not obtain mercy from bim,and that becaufe their. fins are fo great,and fo many; or attended with fuch circumftan- ces and aggravations, as that it is impothble they fhould find ac- ceptance with God. This ground of defpondcncy and unbelief, the Pfalmift obviates, by rcprefenting thefulneff, the plenty, the boundleff plenty of the mercy that is with God. It is tuch as will fuit the condition of the greateft (inners in their greateft depths the flores of its treafùtes arc inexhauffible. And the force of the exhortation doth not lie fo much in this, that there is Redem- ption with God, as that this Redemption is plenteous or abundant. Secondly, Here is an intimation in the Word it felf of that Re- lation which the Goodnefs and Grace of God propofed hath to the blood of Chhriff ;. whence it is called Redemption. This, as was .hewed in the opening of the words, bath relped unto a price, the price whereby we are bought, that is the blood of Chrift. This is that wherebyway is made for the exercife of mercy to- wards (inners ; Redemption, whichproperly denotes actual deli- verance, is laid to be with God, or in him, as the effeF in the caufe. The caufes of it are his own Grace, and the blood of Cbriff. Thereare there prepared for the redeeming of Believers from fin