Ver. 7,8. Expofltion of verf 7, and 8. fin and trouble, unto his own glory. And herein lyeth the en- couragement that the Pfalmift propofeth unto the performance of the duty exhorted unto ; namely, to wait on God. It is taken from God himfelf, as all incouragemenrs unto finners to draw- nigh unto him, and to wait for him, mull be. Nothing but himfelfcan give us confidence to gounto him. And it is fuited unto the gate and condition of the foul under conlideration. Redemption and Mercy are fuited to give relief from fin and mifery. Thirdly, The laft v9rfe contains a promife of the ifue of the performance of this duty; He Pall redeem bur people from all their iniquities. Two things are obfervablc in the words. r. The Certainty of the Iffue or event of the duty mentioned, MP. Mrn. and hePall; or, he will redeem; he will affuredly do fo. Now,although this in the Pfalmift is given out by Revelation, and is a new promife ofGod, yet as it relates to the conditionof the foulhere expreffed,and the di fcovert' made by faithofforgi ve- nefs and Redemption with God, the Certainty intended in this Afl'ertion is built upon the principles before laid down. Whence therefore doth it appear,whence may we infallibly conelude,that God will redeem his Ifrael from all their iniquities ? I anfwer, r. The Conclufron is drawn from the Nlture of God. There is forgivenefs and Redemptionwith him,and he will ad towards his people fuitably to his own nature. There is Redemption with him, and therefore he will redeem ; forgivenefs with him, and therefore he will forgive. As the Conclution is certain and in- fallible, that wicked men, ungodly men, (hall be de(lroyed, be- caufe God is Righteous and holy ; his Ríghteoufnefs and Ho- linefs indifpenfibly requiring their dettrufion ; fo is the Re- demption and Salvation of all that believe, certain on this acs count ; namely, becaufe there is forgivenefs with him ; he good and gracious, and ready to forgive ; kis Goodnefs and Grace requires their Salvation. 2.. The Conelufión is certain upon the account of Gods Faith- fulnefs in his Prornife.r. He bath promifed, that thofe who wait on him (ball not be athamed; that their expeF ation (hall not be difappointrd ; whence the C o ed n is certain, that in his time and way they_(hall be mF f 3 2, There 407