4.08 Expofitionof lìerfe 7, and 8. Pfal. i 3o, 2. There is the Extent of this deliverance or Redemption (hall redeem Ifraelfrom all their Iniquities. It was Chewed in the openingof the verle, that this word denotes either fin procu- ring trouble, or trouble procured by fin ; and there is a refpet unto both, fin and its punífhment. From both, from all of both kind, God will redeem his Ifrael. Not this or that evil ; this or that fin, but from all evil, all fin. He will take all fins from their fouls, and wipe all tears from their Eyes. Now God is Paid to do this on many accounts. I. On the account of the Great Caufe of all anual delive- rance and Redemption, the Elood of Chrift. He hach laid an siffuredfoundation ofthe whore work ; the price of Redemption is paid, and they (hall in due time enjoy the Effetis and fruits. of it. 2. Of the Anual Communication of the Effens of that Redemption unto them. This is Pure to all the Elea of God, to his whole Ifrael. They (hall all be made partakers of them. And this is the end ofall the promifes ofGod, and ofthe grace and mercy promifed in them, namely that they mould be means to exhibit and give out to Believers that Redemption which is purchafed and prepared for them ; and this is done twvo wayes, r. Partially, initialy and gradually in this life. Here God gives in unto them thepardon of theirfins; being juflified free- ly by his grace ; and in his Sane itication of them through his fpirit, gives them delivery from the power and dominion of fin. Many troubles alfo he delivers them from, and from all as faras they are penal, or have any mixture of the Curie in them. 2. Compleatly ; Namely, when he (hall have freed them from fin and trouble, and from all the effeQs and confequents of them, by bringing them unto the enjoyment of himfelf in Glory. 3. The Words being thus opened, we may briefly in the next place confider what they exprefs, concerning the State, Condition, or Aaings of the foul, which are reprefented in this Pfalm. Having himfelf attained unto the State before tefcribed, and being engaged refolvedly into the performance of that duty .