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Ver.7, 8. Expaition ofIlerf 7, and 8. 409 duty which would affuredly bring him into an haven of full left and peace ; the Pfahniji applyes himfclf unto the refi Jue of the Ifraelof God to give them incouragement unto this duty with himíelf, from the Experience that he had of a bleffed fuccefs therein. As if he had laidunto them ; 7e are now 14 4íffi;tiors, and under troubles, and that upon the account of your fins andprovocations. A condition I ConfefÌ fad and deplorable ; but yet there is hope in 1frael concerning thefe things. For confi- der bow it bath been with me, and how the Lordbath dealt with me. I was in depths inexpreffible, and faw for a while no way or means of delivery. But God bath been pleafed gracioufly to reveal himfrlf unto me, as Godpardoning Iniquity, tranfgrefon, and fin ; and in the Canfolation, and fupportment which I have received thereby; I amwaiting fQr a full participation of the fruits of his Love. Let me thereforeprevail with you who are in the like con- dition to freer the fame courfe with me. Only let your expeúations be fixed in mercy and SoveraignGrace, without any regard unto any priviledge or worth in your felves. Re/i in the plenteous re- demption, thofe flores of Grace which are with Jehovah, andac- cording to hie faithfulneffin hir promifes, he will deliver you out of all perplexing troubles. Having thus opened the Words, I shall now only name the doílrinal Objervations that are tendred from them, and fo put a dole to thefe Difcourfes. As, Obf. I. The Lord Jehovah if the only hope for fin-difireffed fouls ; Hope in the Lord This hath been fufliciently difcovcred and confirmed on fundry paffages in the Pfalm. ObC z. The Ground of all hope and Expectation of relief in (inners, it meer Grace, Mercy, and Redemption. Hope in the Lord, for with him there is Redemption. All other grounds of hope are falfe and deceiving. ObI 3. Inexhauftible fiorea of Mercy, and Redemption are needful for the incouragement of fnncrs to refs and wait on God. With him is plentiful Redemption. Such is your mïfery, fo prefling are your fears and difconfolations, that nothing Iefs than boundlefi Grace, can relieve or fupport you ; there arc therefore fucbIreafures and flores in God as are tutted hereunto. Withhim isplenteogi Redemption. gbf, 4, í