_410 Expoftion of Verire 7, and 8. Pfal 13o. Obf. q. The Ground of all the difpenfation of Mercy, GoodneJ,i, Grace, and forgiveneß which is in God to Sinners, N laid in the bloodof Chrift Hence it is here called Redemption. Unto this alto we have fpoken at large before. Obf. 5. All that wait on Godon the account of Mercy and Grace all have an undoubted Iffue of peace. He (hall redeem Ifrael let him faith God lay hold of my Arm, that he may have peace, and he (hall have peace, Ifa. 27. 3. Obf. 6. Mercygiven to them that wait on God jhall in the clofe andífue, be every may full andf.itiifying. He (gall redeem his people from all their Iniquities. An-d thefe Propofitions doarife from the words, as abfolutely confidered, and in themfelves. If we mind their Relation unto the peculiar Condition of the foul reprefented in this Pfalm, they will yet afford us the enfuing Obfervations. Obi i. They who out of depths, have by faith and waiting ob- tainedmercy, or are fupported in waiting for a fenfe of believed mercy and forgiveneß, are fitted, and only they are fitted to Preach and declare Grace, andmercy unto others. This was the Cafe with the Pfalmijt. Upon his emerging out of his own depths and (freights, he declares the mercy and redemptionwhereby he was delivered, unto the whole Ifragii of God. Obf. 2. A faving participation of Grace and forgiveneß leaves a deep Imprison of its fulneß andexcellency on,the foul of a fin- ner ; So was it here with the Pfalmift. Having himfelfobtained Forgiveneß, he knows no bounds or meafure as it were in the extolling of it.There is with God Mercy, Redemption, Plente- ous Redemption, redeeming from all Iniquity; I have found it Co, and fo will every one do that (hall believe it. Now thefe Obfervations might all of them, efpecially the two la(f, receive an ufeful improvement. But whereas what I principally intended from this Pfalm, hath been at large infilled on, upon the firji` verfes of it, I (hall not here further draw forth any Meditations upon them, but content my fell with the Expcfition that bath been given of the defign of the Pfalmifl', and fink of his words in thefe lati verfes. FINIS.