F411 z-vayes ofrelieving Pfa1.13o.' Falle ways Several things there are that inners are apt to apply them- of reliev felves unto for relief in their perplexities, which prove unto ing fouls in them as waters that fail. How-many things have the Romaniffs di[}refs. - invented to deceive fouls withal ? . Saints, and Angels, the BledVirgin, Wood of the Croft, ConfDons, Pen;antes, Miffs, Pil- grimages, Dirges, Purgatories, Papas Pardons, Works ofCompenfà- tion, and the like, are made entrances for innumerable fouls in- to everlafling ruine. Did they know the terror of the Lord, the nature of Sin, and of the mediationofairier, they would be aíhamed and confounded in themfelves for thefe abominations they would not fay unto thefe their Idols, ye are our Gods, come andPave us. How fhort do all their contrivances come of his, that would Fain be offering Rivers of Oyl, yea, the fruit of his body for thefin of his f ul, hisfrft born for his tranfgreffion, Mich. 6.7. Who yet gains nothing, but an Aggravation e f his fin and mifery thereby : Yea, the Heathen went beyond them in devotion and expence. It is no new enquiry what courte fin perplexed fouls fhould take for reli f: From the foundation of the world, the minds of far the greateft part of mankind, have been exercifed in it. As was there light or darknefs, fuch was the courfe they took ; Among thole who were ignorant of God, this Enquiry brought forth all that Diabolical Superflition which fpread it felf over the face of the whole world. Gen- tilifm being defiroyed by the power and Efficacy of the Gofpel, the fame enquiry working in the minds of darkned men in conjunetionwith other lufts,brought forth thePapacy. When men had loft a fpiritual acquaintance with the Covenant of Grace, and Myflerie of the Gofpel, the defign of eternal love, the efficacy of the blood ofChrift, they betook themfelves in part, or in whole for relief under their entanglements, un- to the broken Ciflerns mentioned. They are of two forts Self, andother things. For thofe other things, which belongun- to their fade Worfhip, being abominated by all the Saints of God, I (hall not need to make any farther mention of them. That which relates unto felf, is not confined unto Popery, but extends it feif to the limits of Humane Nature, and is predo- minate in all that are under the Law ; that is, to leek for relief ín