36 Earneflnersof a dflrefféd foul, &c. PfaI.i30. poilibly come to a ¡rah enjoyment of him. 1f a man fcek for a Friend, he can look for him only in the f reefs and in the broadways; that is either in Towns, or in theFields. So will I do faith the Spouf ; in what Way, Ordinance, or Intlituti- on foever, in or by what duty foever, publick or private, of communion with others, or folitary retirednefs , Chrit} ever was, or may be found, or peace obtained , Iwill fell him, and not give over until I come to anenjoyment of him. And this frame, this Refolution, a foul in dtpths mull come unto, if ever it exp_ei deliverance. For the moll part, wens wounds fink and are corrupt becaaafe of theirfoolifhnef? As the Ffalmif complains, Pfal. 38.5. They are wounded by fin ; and through Jbirituat Sloth they neglect} their cure ; this weakens them, and difquiets them day by day; yet they endure all, rather than they will come out of their carnal eafe todeal effedually with God in an extraordinary manner. It was otherwite with David, P1 1. 22. i, 2. Why, faith he, art thou fò far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring ! 0 my God, I cry in the day time, and in the night feafon, and am notfilent. What ayks the Man ? Can he not be quiet night nor day ? never filent, never hold his peace ? And if hebe fomewhat difquieted, can he not contain himfelf,but that he muff roar,and cry out? Yea, mull he roar thus all the day long, as he fpeaks, Pf1.3 2.3. andgroan all the night, as Pfal. 6. 6. What is the matter with all this roaring, Sighing, tears, roaring all the day, all night long ? Ah let him alone, his fallis bitter in him ; he is fallen intodepths; the Lord is withdrawnhorn him, trouble is hard at hand, yea, he is full of anxiety on the account of fin ; there is no quietneís nor foundnelin him ; and he mull thus earnefily and refllefly ap. ply himfelf, fey relief. Alas, what flrangers for the moll part are mennow adayes to this frame ? How little of the workings of this Spirit is found among[ us ? And is not the rafon of it, that we value the world more,and Heaven and heavenly things lefs than he did; ? that we can live at a better rate without a fenfe of the love of God in Chria, than he could do ? and is it nothence that we every day feafo manywithering Profeffrs,that have in a manner lot} all Communionwith God, beyond a lit- tle lip-labour,or talking ; the filthy favour of whole wounds are-.