TO THE READER. Chriftian Reader, .64HE enfuing Expofítion andDifourfs are intendedfor the benefit ofthof, whof f i ritualfiate and condition is reprefented in the Pfalm here explained. That theft arenot afeu',that they are many ;yea, that tofórne part or parts ofit, they are all who believe, both thescriptures and their ownExperience willbear T i- mony. Some ofthem it may be will inquire into,and af- ter their own concernments as they are here. declared. To be ferviceable to their Faith, Peace, and fpiritual conflation, hath been the whole ofmy deign. If they meet with anydifeovery ofTruth, anydueapplicationof it to their confciences, any declaration of the ffe and mind ofthe Holy G/of% in the Scriptures fuitable; unto their condition., and ufefull to, their edifiéatione rnuçh A 2 .of: