48 A. Terror ariring from P1àl. i 30, abfolutelycontidered. The third andfourth will lead' us on in the progreîs of the foul, towards the relief fought after, and propored. That therefore which firft is to be infilied on, comes up to this Propofition. In a finperplexed fouls addrefFs unto God, thefirft thing that prefents it felf unto him u, Gods marking of fin according to the Tenor of the Lam, which of its feelf is apt tofill the tout with dreadand terror. I [hall firft fomewhat (peak unto it in This as confidering in its felt, and then enquire into the concernment of the foul in it, whole condition is here defcribed. Terror TheLord (peaks of forne who when they hear the words of arifing the curie, yet biefs themfelves, and fly they (hall have peace ; Deut. from a 29.19. Let men preach, and fay what they pleafe of the terror guil fenfe t o fthe of the Lord, theywill defpife it ; which God threatens with utter extermination : And he notes it again, as anamazing wick- edn#efs, and the height of obduratenefs, Jer. 36. 24. General- ly it is with finners, as it was.with Gaal the Son of Ebed, Judg. 9. when he was fortifying of Sichem againft Abimlech; Zebu! tells him that Abimelech will come and defiroy him. Let him come faith Gaal, I (hall deal well enough with him, let him bring forth his Army, I fear him not; but upon the very firti appearance of Abimelech's Army , he trembleth for fear, v. 36. 'Tell obdurate finners of the Wrath ofGod, and that he will come to plead his caufe againti them ; for the moti part they take no notice of what you fay ; nor have any furious thoughtsabout it; but go on as if they were refolved they Mould deal well enoughwith him. Notwithflanding all their foutnefs,aday is coming wherein fearfulnef? (hall furprife them, ánd make them cry out, who amondt us pall dwell with devour- ing fire, wbo amongft us fhall inhabit with everlafting burning: ? Yea, if the Lord be pleafed in this life in an efpecial manner to draw nigh to any of them, they quickly fee, that their hearts cannot endure, nor can their hands beftrong, Ezek. 22. 14. Their hands hang down, and their flout he arts tremble like an afpen leáf, He