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Gods marAing Siu, Pfal.i30. againft another, the judge(hall judge him ; but ifa man fin again(# the Lord, who (hall intreat for him ? There is not, faith job be- tween us 11 D1n one that might argue the cafe, in pleading for me, and fo make up the matter, laying his hand upon us b1th, Job 9. 33. We now confider a firmer purely under the Adrninifl:ration of the Law ; which knows nothing of a Medi- ator. In that cafe who (hall take upon him to intercede for the firmer ? Befides, that all creatures in Heaven and Earth are engaged in the quarrel ofGod againft (inners ; and betides the greatnefs and terror of his MajeJty,that will certainly deterr all or any of them from undertaking any fuck work ; what is the rcqueft that in this cafe mutt be put up unto God ? Is it not that he would ceafe to be Holy, leave off frombeing Righteous, relinquifh his Throne, deny himfelf, and his Soveraignry, that a Rebell, a Traytor, his curled enemy may live and efcape his Juflice : Is this requeft reafonable ? Is he fit to intercede for fìn- ners that (hail make it ? Would he not by fo doing prove him - fell to be thegreateft ofthem ? The tanner cannot then expeCt any door of efcape to be opened unto him ? All the world is againft him ; and the cafe muti be tryed out nakedly between God and him : but, Thirdly, It may be the Rule of the Law whereby the fìnner is to be tryed, is not fofrif, but that in the cafe offuck fins as he is guilty of, it may admit of a favourable Interpretation; or that the good that he hath done, may be laid in the ballance againft his Evil, and fo forne relief be obtained that way. But the matter is quite otherwife; There is no good A lion of a (firmer, though it were perfe6tlygood, that can lye in the bal- lance w;rh, or compenfate the evil of the lean fin committed. For all good is due on another account, though noguilt were incurred. And the payment of money that a man owes, that he hath borrowed, makes no fatisfa6tion for what he bath Mole; no more will our duties compenfate for our fins. Nor is there any goodAdion of a (inner, but it hath evil and guilt enough attending it, to render it fell unacceptable ; fo that men may well ceafe from thoughts of their fupererrogation. Befides where there is any onefin, if all the good in the world might be fuppofed tobe in the fameperfon, yet in the indi- fpenfible