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54 Thefrills aaings towards a Recovery. Pfal. t f , of recovery ? Doth he lay this God is an holy and terrible God, I cannot ferve him, it is to no purpofe for me to look for any thing but fury and dettru `e ion from him; and therefore I had as good give over, as pertid in my de- fign of drawing nigh to him ? It cannot be denyedbut that in this cafe, thoughts of this nature will be fuggeited by un- belief : and that fometimes great perplexities arife to the foul by them. But this is not the ifhue and final product of this exerciCe of the ',but ; it :roduceth another effect ; it calls for that which is the firjt particular working of a gracious foul arifing out of its fin intanglements. This is , as was de- Glared ; a lncere fence of fin, and acknowledgement of it , with fill' condemnation in the juffification of God : This is theftrff thing that a foul endeavouring a recovery from its depths is brought and wrought unto. His general refolution to make ferious and through work, with what he hath in hand, was before unfolded. That which in the next place we are dire6led un- to in thefe words, is the Keflellion on its fell, upon the'con-1 fideration of Gods marking iniquity, now mentioned. This is Faiths great and proper ufe of the Lary ; The nature whereof ¡hall be farther opened in the next difcourfe. The firff particular ac`ings of a foul towards a recovery out of the depths of fin. Senfe of fin, wherein it confffs. How it is wrought. Acknowledgement of fin; its nature and properties. Self -condemnation. The fouls What is the frameof the föul ingeneral, that is excited by .a&tings to- grace, and refolves in the frength thereof to attempt á reco wards a very out of the depths of fin entanglements, hath been declared. Recovery. We have alfo (hewed what entertainment in general fuch a foul had need to expel, yea, ordinarily thall be fure wmeet` with- all. It maybe he goes forth at firft like Sampfon with his locks cut, and thinks he will do as at other times ; but he quickly finds, hispeace loft, , his wounds 'painful , his Confcience reftleif, Goddifpleafed, and his whole condition,'as to the utmoft of his ownApprehenfton,hazardous.This fillshimwith the thoughts c rprcf ed in this third Verfr, and fixes the conclufion in his mind,