Ver.3 : Selfcondemnation, wherein it eons s. 63 Thirdly, There yet remains, ff csndemnation with the Juli- Self-con- fccation of God, which lyes exprefly in the words of the Vert a un . demnati- der confideration, and hereof are two parts. on, wl:cre Firti, Self-abhorrency or diffike. The foul is now wholly di- ffis cot fj'leafd with it fell, and refle6 s upon it felt with all affiC i- ons of regret and trouble. So the Apoftle declares it to have been with the Corinthians when their godly farrow was work- ing in them, 2 Cor.7.1 I. among other things, it wrought in them indignation and revenge;or a refleótion on themfelves with all manner ofdiflike and abhorrency. In the winding upof the Controverfie between God and Job, this is the point he refis in. As he had come in general to a free, full, ingenious acknow - ledgement of fin, Chap, 40. 4, 5. So in particular he gives up his whole contefi, in this abhorrency of himfif, Chap. 42.6. i abhor my flf and repent in duff and afhes. What a vile wretched creature have I been, faith the foul; I blufh and am afhamed to think of my folly, bafenefs and ingratitude ; is it poflible that I fhould deal thus with the Lord ? I abhorr, I Math my felf, I would fly anywhere frommy fell, I am fo vile and loathfome ; a thing to be defpifed of God, Angels and Men ; and Secondly, There is Pelf-judging in it álfo. This the Apoftle invites the Corinthians unto, i Ep. Chap. t i. 31. If we would judge our fclves we fhould not be judged. This is a perfons'pro- nouncing fentence on himfelf according to the tenor of the Law. The foul brings not only its fin, but it felt alto to the Law. It puts it fell as to merit and defert under the Broke and feverity of it. Hence arifcth a full jullificationof God, in what fentence foever he (hail be pleated to pronounce in the cafe before'him. And there three things which we have palled through, compofe the frame and firfi aciings of a gracious foul, riling from its depths. They are all of them jgnally exprefed in that place where we have a fignal recovery exemplified, Ho f r q., r, a, 3, 4. And this makes way for the exaltation of grace, the great thing in all this difpenfationai led at by God. Ephef, r. 6. That which he is now doing, is to bring the foul to glory in him, a Cor. i. 31. which is all the returnhe bath from