Ver.4. without a difcovery offorgivenef 77 &o fugis Encelade, quafcunq; acceffiris oral' Sub Jove femper eris. They knew that díxn ( the Vengeance of God) would not fpare (inners ; nor could be avoided, Ae s 28. 4. From Gods Gracious Pretence, which he never enjoyed, he could not depart. It was then his Prefence as to his Worfhip ; and all outward as ofCommunion that he forfook, and departed from. He had no difcoveryby faith, of forgivenef? , and therefore refolved to have no more to do with God, nor thofe who cleaved to him for it refpets his courfi, andnot any one particular a6hon. This alto is Hated, Ifa. 33. 14. The firmer: in Sion are afraid, fearfulnef bath furprifid the Hypocrites ; who among us /bald dwell with the devouring fire ? Who amongfl Us fhall dwell with everlafling burnings? The perfons fpoken of are (inners, great ?inners and Hypocrites; conviction of fin, and the defert of it was fallen upon them ; a light to difcern forgivenefs they had not; they apprehend God as devouring. fire and everlaf}ing burnings only ; One that would not fpare, but atfuredly inflic`.$ punifhment according to the defert of fin ; and thence is their conclufion, couched in their Interrogation, that there can be no entercourfe of peace between him and them;thcre is no abiding,noenduring of his Prefence. And what condition this confideration brings the fouls of (inners unto, when convióion grows thong upon them, the Holy Ghoti declares , Mich. 6. 6, 7. Where- ,with fhaU I come before the Lord, and bow my Jelf before the high God? fhall I come before himWithburnt offrings, with Calves of a year old ? will the Lordbe pleafed with thoufands ofRamms, or with ten thoufands ofRivers of Oyl ? (hall 1 give my firff born for my tranfreffion., the fruit of my body for the fin of my foul ;a Senfe of fin preffeth, forgivenefs is not difcovered , ( like the Philiflins on Saul, Samuel not coming to his direbion) and how doth thepoor creature perplex it fell in vain, to findout a way of dealing with God ? Will a fedulous and diligent obfervation ofhis ownOrdinances and Inflitutions relieve me ; Shall I come before bim with burnt-offerings and Calves of ayear old ? Alas thou art afinner,and thefe Sacrifices cannot make thee L 3 petfeû