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To the -Reader. Text, my defign arad endeavour bath been ony to 'enlarge the Pourtraiiture here given i c in tl:e Pfalm, of a Believing foul in and under the condi- tion mentioned ; to render the lines of it ,anore vi- fible, and to make the Charallers given in its cle- f ription more legible 5 and withall to give unto ethers in the like condition with the i' lm fl, a light to .unaerfand and *ern ern themfelves in that Image and reprefentation, whawh.is here made of them in the Perfon of another. To this end have I been forced to enlarge on the two great heads of Sin and Grace ; effiecially on the latter here called the forgivenefs that is with God. An Interf herein a participation hereof being our principal .concernment in this Morld, and the file founda- tion of all our expeElations of a bleféd portion in that which is to core, it certainly requires the heft and utmof of our endeavours as to look into the nature, cauls, and efeCts of it, fo ofeci- ally into the moles and means whereby we may be made partakers of it 5 and how that partici- pation may be f cured unto us unto our peace and confolation 3 as a f into that Love, that Wine's', that obedience, that fruitfulneß in good works, which on the account of this Grace God expeteth from to, and requireth at our hands. An Explicati- on of they things is that which I have deigned to enfie and follow after in they difcourfes , and that with a confiant eye, as on the one hand to the file rule and standard of Truth, the sacred Scriptures efpecially that part of it which is tinder peculiar confederation ; fo on the other ;a