g$ ( Chap.2® .AC°ommerttatrie vpon we in experience at:this day : the poorer fort among vs doe more heartily receiue it then they of the richer fort. By this we are taught, that we may not fixe our loue, and our confidence upon riches: & they that buie,mufl be as though they bought not, and they that potfe(fe, as though they poffeffed not. Be- caufe riches fleale away the heart. The fecond caufc of their pouertie was , that they were deprivedoftheir riche.,for the pro_ fffìonofthe nameof(brifi. i.Thefi a. 14.Heb.I0.34. Here we are taught to fit downe, and to recken what the profeflionof Chrift will colt vs to the vttermoft : and we mull put this in our account, that we muff be readíe , and willing to part with the deereft things in the world, for the nameof Chrifl. And this reckning and refolution mull we dailycurie about with VS. 5 The fecond point is,Why the Church oflerufalem mull be relecued by the Gentiles , confderingby Gods lawDeut. t 5. t r. euery place muff releeuchis owne poore. ffnj.Wç are fini ofall,debters toour ownepoore ,and they muff Eft be relee- ued: this done (in the cafe of extreamcnecelfitie) we arc deb- ters to the poore a thoufandmiles off. Andin this cafe, did the Apottles crane releefe of the Gentiles, for them of Icrufa- lem. The third point is, that the Apoflles themfelues arecareful' for the gathering of releefe. Hence we learne, that it is the of- fice of Parlours and teachers, not only to preachand difpence the word, but afro to hauecare of the poore : and this care is to be {hewed inexhortation ,counfell,ouerfight.As for the admi- niffration and execution of matters belonging to the poore, it belongs toothers. If the Apofties at any timegathered, car- ried, and difpenfed releefe, it was becaufe the Church was not yet founded, and planted, and therefore there was no other to doe it. Now I cometo the pratife of Paul , in thcfe words ; which thin; afro l' was diligent to doe it. Here firfl let vs marke , that Paul whohad fpoiied and made hauockeofthe Church of Ie- rulalem, now gathers retcefe,(and as we fay)begges for it: and, no doubt , the rather that he may make Tome recompence for the wrong hehad donc. By hisexample weare taught to make Satisftlion for all iniuries and hurts done to others, and that to thevttermotf. He that fleaies, according to the qualítieof hi to t5 20 25 30 35