Lh11, the Epifik totheÇialati n.t. Chap.2. 99 twofod or fourefold Exod. 2 a. muff rettoreeither , , 7. he that maimes a man mutt pay for bis healing , andfor bis ruing , that is , for the lofic of hislabour, Exod.21.19. Daniel I faith to Nabuchadnezzar,OKing,breake offtbyfinnes with alone: S deedes,Dan.4.24. that is,whcreas thou haft bin giuen to cruel- tie , and opprellion , ceufc to doeCo anymore, and make fótre reconpenceby gluing ofalmes. Dauid faith, it is thepropertie ofa wickedman ,to borrosr,and net to repay,Pfa1.37. r i. Satisfa- ttion, recompence, andrefutation, is theway to life by the ap- t o pointment of God. Ezech. r 8.7. and 33. 15. If thon reßore the pledge, andrepay that which thon hall robbed , thoufhadt lisse , and notdie. TheLord faith, Are the treafares ofwickednesyet in the hoisfe ofthe wicked?and he addes,that he will not iatßifie the falfe 6allance,Mich.6.10,1 r. Zachcus,in his conuerfion forknown 15 wrongs, reffores fourefold : and for his vnknownwrongs he glues haife his goods to the poore. Luk. r9.7. Let vfurers,ingrofers,andall that opprcf1e, or deale deceit- fully, remember this; and begin to make confcienceofthis du ty of SatisfaEtion, or reflitution . And that it may the better be 20 praEtifed, I will further let downefluepoints . The fini is,who mutt fatisficand refforc?Anf,He that is the caufc ofanywrong, or loflc toothers: and all they that are ae- cefarie. Menmay be acee%ariemany wales, by commaunde- ment, by counfell , by confent , bypartnership , by receiuing, 25 by filence when a manought tofpeake,bynot hindringwhen he ought to hinder, bynot manifeffing that which we ought tomanifett. The fecond is, Towhommutt reflitution be made ? Ant, To him that is wronged , and beares the loffe,(if thepartie be 3o knowneand aliue:)ifhe bedead, to his haires : ifall bedead,to thepoore. If theperfon wrongedbenot knowne to vs (as of- ten it falls out) then refutation is tobemade to the Church, or it commonwealth, and ref is to be turned into Aimes for the poore. Dan. 4.24. Moreouer, if both thegluing and the 35 receiuingofa thingbe vnlawfull, as in bribes , and Simoniacall gifts; reflitution is not tobe made to thegluer, but,as Lefore,it is tobe applied to commonvie, fpecially to rcleefe. Thethird point is,What mutt bereflorcd ?Anf.The things which areofvsvniuflly receiued, or detained , either known tovs,orvnknowne. If they beknowne, they are in their owne N `2.. kind'