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ï ry ; I ,k Io2 Chap.2. Commentarievpon o'Simulata, nog vai. och:but the fault was nothis,but Peters, who was wholly to be blamed. For the better vndcrf}anding of these words, threepoints are to behandlcd.The first is,whowas refilled?The answer is, Peter the Apostle. For the intent of this chapter is,to fhewe 5 what agreement there was betweene Paul, and thercfl of the ApofIles. And there was no Apoftle ofthis name but one. Therefore , theyamong theAuncicnt , are greatlydeceiued, who thinke , that the Apoftle Peter was not reprooued, but fomeother ofthat name. The fecond point is , whorefilled? to 4nfiner.Paul:andthat not for fhewe and fashion, but intruth, and good earneft.And this appeares, becaufc in the words fol- lowing , he fete downe a waightie and vrgent cause ofhis re- proofc.Therefore Icrom and others are dcceiucd,who thinke that Paul reprooucd Peter o snfbewe and appearance , and not 15 in good earneft.The thirdpoint is,what was Pauls minde and meaning,in refittingofPeter?rlnfwer. Todoe his office.The kingdomofGod,and all things pertaining thcreto,mult haue free pafhagewithoutrefiftance. The fecond petition is, 1hy ,tsngdowe come.Iohn the baptist preached thus, Preparethe way 20 ofthe Loral,am!rnakehispaths Itraight, Mar. i . Saint Paul faith, Prasethat the wordofGodmayhauefreepafrage,andbe glorified, 2.Theff. 3.1 . Contrariwife,fuch things as hinder the kingdom of God,muft bewithftood.Therefore Peter faith, R çfftyour aduerfarie the deui/ÇJ?rang infaith. iPet. 5.9. And thusmen 25 that are inflruments ofcuill , arc to bewithstood . And here Paul,byan holy reproofe, withstands Peter for his bad exam- ple. InPaul,here first we maybehold an exampleoftrue verme, in that he refills euill,to thevttcrmoft of his power, following 3o hisown e rule, Abhorre that which is euill, and cleauevnto that which isgood,Rom. t 2.9. Hasse nofellow(hip withthe vnfruitfull srorktes ofdarkens,but rather repreoue them, Eph.5. i s . In like mariner mutt cucry one ofvs refill cuill; first, in himfelfe,and then inthem that appertains tohim. Therefore Paul faith to 3; all,Pat on thearmour ofGod,thatye may refll,Eph.6. r 3 .Here 2 things may be dentaded: firft,what mnft were(iffPaul anfwers again, Principalities,andporrers,andfpirituallwickedne es:that is, the deuill,and all his angels . It maybe laid , we haue no dea- ling with them,for they vfenot to appearevnto vs.A,!fi That the