the Epi,Rle to the Galasiana. Chap. r. Whenthe Iewesrefilled the preaching ofPaul , and hadno- thing to fay but to ralle , Paul then feperated the ChurchofE- phefus, and Rome from them, Att.T9.8.& 2,8.28.I4 may here be demaunded,why Paul writes to the Galatians as brethren, and calls them Churchcs.fceingthey haue erred in the founda- tion,and are as he faith, verf. 6. rerrioouedtoanother Gofcl. I an- fwer,he could doe no otherwife . If a private man fhail crre,he mufffirfl be admonifhcd,and then the Church mull be told of it.If he beamnot the Church , then iudgement may be giuen x o that he is a Publican , and notbefore : much more then, if the Church (hall erre, there mullfirfl be anexamination ofthe er- rour,and then fufficieni conviElion : andafter conuielion,fol- lowes the enfure vpon the Church ,-and iudgerrent then may begiuen,and not before. And Paul had Howe onely begun in this Epifile to admonifh the ChurchofGalatia. Great there- fore is therafhnes, andwant ofmoderation in many, that haue beone ofvs,that condemne our Church for no Church , with- out ruffle-tent conuitîion goingbefore. Ifthey fay that we haue beene admonifhcd bybookes pu'blifhed: I -fay amine, there be ^moo proffer faults in Come ofthofe books,thenanyofthe faults that theyreprooue in the Church of-England : and therefore the bookes are not fit to conuir..ce, fpecially a Church. And though Paul call the Galatians Churches ofGod, yet may wenothence gather,that the Church of-Rome is a church 25 ' ofGod.The name it mayhauc;but it doeth in trueth openly,& obflinately oppugne the manifell principles ofChriflian re- ligion. Ifany demaunde what there Churches ofGalatia are?I an- t-veer, that theywere a peopleofAfia the leffe: and though they 30 were famous Churches in the dales ofthe Apofl le,yet now the countrie is wider the dominion of the Turke. This fhewes, j what Godmight haue done to vs in England long agoe for the contempt oftheGofpell.Thisagaine fhewes , what defolation will befall vs vnlel a wç repent and bring forthbetter fruits of 3 the Gofpell. 3. Grace be with you and peace from God the father & fromour Lord Iefus Chriít.