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the Epilnle to the Galatians. Chap.2. i09 they finnewithall their hearts when they finne. The fourth, and laff point is, the liffeel of Peters finne , in drawing the Iewes , and Barnatjas , to the like diffunulation. Here we fee the contagion of mill txample. And hence we learne,that Miniflers of the word muff ofnecefíitie ioyne with 5 good doftrine, the Example of good life. For fiat ofall, it is the expreflre commandment ofGod, i .Pet. S. 3. Be p.etterne.r ofthe flock.e. r.T i m. 4. 1 2. We anen/ample inword, conuerfion,lo,e, fpirit,faith, porifie. Phil. 4. 8. What yehataefeene inme, that doe. To' Math. 5. t 6. Letyour kgbt foJbine before men , that they mayfee yourgoodworkt.Sccödiv,praetifc in theMinifler is a part of his teaching. For themultitude doe notmarke fo much what men fay, as v hat men doe. Herod did many things, not becaufc Iohn the Baptiff was agood e/` 1ini/ler , butbccaufe he was a good man, Mark. 6. 20. Thirdly, Minifiers haue not thepre- fence & protef}ionofGod ,vnlcfre their lines be vertuous and godly. If thou turrne, thou /halt fand before me. Term. z 5.,/ g.. God reucales hisfecrets to the Prophets hisfruants. Amos 3.7. Laflly, fearefull judgements of God belong to Miuiflcrs of 20 wicked hues. Defruflion befalls the Tonnes of Eli and their families, becaule they by loud example made the people of God to finne. t.Sam.2.24.Thc like befell the Tonnes ofAaron j for their prefumption. ¡I Againe, all luperioursarewarned tog,oe before their inferi- 25 ours by good example. When Mofes went into Egypt to be theguide ofthe ICraelites,thc Lord wouldhaue defltoiedhim, by reafonofthebad example in his owne familie , namely, the vncircumcifionofhis child. Dauid,for his cuìll exäple,whcre. by he caufed the enemies of God to blafphcmc , is punifhed, 3o and that after his repentance, that men might fee in him an exampleofGods judgement againfl finne. 2. Sam. r 2.14. Here againe we fee that the confent ofmany togethcr,is not anote of truth. Peter, Barnabas,and the Iewcs,all together are deceiued, and Paul alone bath the truth. Panormitane faith, 35 i that a laie. manbringing Scripture,ra tobe preferred beforea whole Counceil Paphnutius alonehad the truth,and the wholeCoun- cell ofNice, inclined to errour. 14. But when I Faw that theywere notwith a right Foote to the truth of