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the Epiliet. the94144141M Chap.z. Ity The laft point is , that the Iewes arean holy people byna- ture: not bccaufe holines is conuaied to themby generation., but becaufeeuen from their beginning, andbirth,byverrueof thecouenant, theyarcholy. Iftheratebehole, thebraxciresare ¡ hey, Rom. i i . i 6. Neither oftheir parents decue, their chi! dren are holy. i. Cor. 7.14. In aciuill contted, the father and his heirc make but one perfon, and the father couenants for . himfclfe, andhispofieritic : cum fo, in the couenant ofgrace, hebelccues for himfclfe, andwithal! makes hispofteritiepar- t o taker of the raid couenant : and thus thepoftcritie becomes holy. It maybe obieltcd , that whatfocuer is borneofflefh is Bern. Alf. Theparent futtaincsa double perfon. Firft, he is to be confidered asachildof Adam , and thus hebrings fortha child . hauing with Adams nature, Adams corruption. A- s S gaine, heis to be confideredas a helmet.: and thus albeit he doth not propagate his faith and holinesto his child, yet by meanes of his faith , his child is in the couenant , andconk- fluently is tobe accounted holy in the iudgeanent ofcharitie, till Godmanifeft the contrarie. Againe,itmay beobieíted,that a*o ifthe childrenof beleeuing parents be borneholy, they want original! finne. Alf. The childrenalto (Whine two perlons. Era , they arctobe confidered as childrenof the firff Adam and thus they are conceiued andborne in finne ,and arechil- drenofwrath. Again,they arctobe confidered aschildrenof . 3-5 belceuing parents : and thus by meansofthe couenant, they arechildren of God; and originali finne which is in them is coweredfrom theirfirft beginning, and not imputed tothem'= Thevfe. Therewas no abfoluteneceffitie of circurncifion. For they whichdiedbefore the eight day,wereborne holy,and 30 confequently, in the couenant : and therefore might be faued. And thus Baptifinewas not ofabfolute necefütie : for the chil- drenof belccuers are borne holy and Chriflian : and therefore ¡dying in thewant ofbaptifine, may för all that be faued. The Pealeofthecoucnant isnot of likenccefiitie,with the couenant 3S it feffe.- Secondly,here we learn, that it is not the a i of baptifine to conferee the firft grace : but onclytoconfirme,and feale it vn- to vs. Adoption, and life beginnesnot inbaptifme,but before. Ifthe rate be b.i1, the braNche; fpringing thence are holy. We arc borne Chriffians,ifour parents beleeue , and not madeft P i in