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the Ejufileto the Ga`at ians. Chap.2. , I 17 terrours of the law, he mull flie andmake hisappeale to the throneofgrace,forpardon in Chritl : and then he !hall be ac- quit,or iutlified from all fumes. Thus much doth theword,iu t /lifie, iruport. Thus came thePublican before God, Luk. 18. 5 when he [aid, L9rd6emercifdltomeafrnner ;and departedlu- flified. Thus in the fi``t petition, we are taught to comecurry day' into the pretenceof God , and to acknowledge our debts, and to vie the plea Ofmercie,faying, Forgive vi osr debts. The fecond thing to be confidered, is the fubíth ofiuflifi. E 0 cation, or the perton to be iuflified, and that is man generally, figriifying that a QiM1an is iarg fled. The holy GhofC fpeaketli thus generally, for two; calks. The firlt is; bccaufc all men without exception haue needof iullifrcatiorr, cuen theywhich areregenerate,Rom.i.23.And in this-place Paul faith,that he, 5 and Peter,and the retl, haue 6elecsed its Ghrifi,that they might be iuflified by faith. Here we are to takenotice of the rniferable condition of prophane , and fecure Epicures , whoncuer fo much as dréame ofany iuflification.The fecond reafon is ; be- caufe God communicates the benefit of iutlbñcation, general. ;0 ly toall forts ofmcn: and this he doth inthe Miniflcric of the word, in which he6efecheth men to be reconciled to God. 2.Co- rinth. e. v. 21. This muff be an inducement vnto vs,to come veto Chritl, humbling, and fudging our felues, that we may be iuflified . God himfelfe from l:eaucn vfeth reafons 2 5 1 vnto'vs daily, to mooue vs to the pra life ofthis dutie. What neane theft gracious, and continuall prefer nations; of Prince, and people, Church and land' By themwe fee, it is the good { pleafure of God , togifle vs a time to fecke his kingdom and I rtghteoufnes : wherefore let vs not neglea. the day of vifitati -_ 30 on , but take the time , while it fernes, that we may turne vnto God, and be accepted of him, and efcape thewoepronounced vpon Corazin, and Bctlafaida. The third thing to be cotifidered, concernes things exelu- ded from iufhfication,asFalk cages : namely,the works ofthe 35 Law. Here it may be demanded, what works are meant. I an- fret, firtl,nat onely workes 6fthe Ceretn'oniall, but.alfo ofthe moral! law. For all men knovw, that ceremonial} aelioias are of 1 novfe , vnlefle theybe ioynedwith moral} duties offl:oaie , and i rnercic. And if Paul meant onely Ceremonial! workes,le:nce- dednot to hauemade fo lone.a difcourfcagainft iuflifcátiosr P 3. .L'