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120 Chap. 2. ACommentarieupon things. Eph. 4.8. t o. And Chrill faith, When Iart huhed, Iwill draw all oven tome. Ioh. t 2.; 2. Andhe lianes for corer to mR%in- tercefonforvs. H.eb.5.27. The fecond queflion is, how Chrill could obey becing God,and fatisfiefor vs beeing man ? Anf. Chrill mutt be con- 5 fidered; not mecrely as G od, or as man , but asGod- man, or Man god. For the Godhead Both not redccmc vs without the manhood, nor the manhood without the Godhead. Nef ùerthelcfre, Chri(t as God and man, mayboth ()beyond fatis- fie. For,as there are inChrift, two natures, fo there are twodi- ro flinct operations of thePaid natures. And as the faid natures v- sited: make one Chrill ; fo thé operations of the natures con 'curring andbeeing vnited inone, make the compound worke ofaMediatour. Therefore the ObedienceofChrill beeing theworke ofa Mcdiatour,hath init the operationsof bothna- , t S cures. The praetife , excrcife , of excquutionof obedience, is from the manhood : therfore it is faid,that ChrUl bare-Our inne; inhis bodie vpon the croffe. i.Pet. 2.24. that hefuffcredin ihèlejh, r .Pet.4. i. that he ',Jade a limingway by thevailecf is; flefb. Hcb, r o. 2o.that weare reconciled in the bodie ofhi!fief. Colofh 1.22. 20 Obedience, is, properly a fubieetion of the will in reafonablc creatures to thewill ofGod : now the will of the Godhead of Chrift, admits no fubieftion to the will of God : becaufc thç the will ofthe Godhead (orofGod;) is one and the fame inall theperfons. Chrift therefore yeeldes fubieetion oncly in re= 25 fpcft ofthe will of themanhoode : in which he performes o- -bedience.Moreouer,the operation oftheGodhead is tomake the faide Obedience meritoriousand fatisfaìorie for all that lhall belceue. Ira this refpe&Paul faith,Çod soar in Chrill recors, cilingthe worlduntohimfcfe, 2. Cor. 5.:8. and that Godlhcdde 30 hia blood,Aft.20.28. namely, in that nature which the fonne of God afhumed. Hence arifeth the value, price, and dignitie of the obedience ofChrifl. The thirdqucllion is, how the ObedienceofChrifl ll;o id bemade ours ? .firf. By the free donation ofGod. For Chrift 3 S ïs realtygiuenvnto vs in theword, and facraments; and confer quently the obedienceofChrift is made ours : cuen as when a péëçc ,ofgroundis made ours; the commoditie thereof is ours álfa. he fourth quefFion is,hodv the obedienceof Chris Td be