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5 10 35 20 25 30 35 theEp:(Ile tothe Galatians. Chap.2. 225 Paul faith , that theGentiles did apprehend the iuf}ice which ie byfaith, Rom. 9.3o. Againe , that wereceiue the prctteifeafthe . fpirit byfaith.Gal.3.14. This apprehenfion Rands in two things. The firft is , to know Chrilt,ashe propoundshimfelfe in the word,and facra- ments. The fecond is,Toapplie him andhis benefits vntoour Wises. This application is made by a fupernaturall a&of the , vndcrftanding, whenwe beleeue that Chrift with his benefits is really ours. It may beobie&ed , that faith is a certen confi- dence whereby we beleeue inChrift : and fo it is defcribed e- uen in this text. Anf. I. Faith, and confidence, properly aredi .. Ilirrft gifts of God : and confidence is the effe&, or fruit of faith. For Paul faith,that we haue entrance to Godwith confidence 61faith. Eph.3.12. And reafondeclares as much, for aman can not put hisconfidence in Chrift, till he beatf itred that Chrift , with his benefits are his. We doenotreft on his goodnes , of whofelout wedoubt. Secondly,I anfwer that conÌidcnce;bee- ing amolt notable effe&of faith , is often in fcripture, put for faith, and faith is defcribed by it(as it is in this place)and yet for nature they are not one , but mull bediftinguifhcd. Furthermore , thegrounds ofapprehenfion mull beconfi- tiered. For fpeciall faith , mutt haue a fpeciall , and infallible ground. Thegrounds are three. The fiat is this. In the Go- feel Godbath propoundedgeneral! promifes of remiffion of finnes, and life euerlafting byChrift : and withall he bath gi. uen a commandement to apply thePaid ,promifes to our felues. t doh. 3.2 3. This is the cosnnandemcnt ofGod, that ye be/cene in I the name of his forme lefit4 (hrii: and we cannot bcleeue in Chrift, till we beleeue Chrift tobe ourChritl.Now then,a ge- neral! promife,with a commandement to applie the fame to our felues , is in ef}e6: as much asa fpeciall promife. The fe- condground is this Rom:S.16. s he f trit.ofGodteflzfieth toge- ther zvithohrfpirit that weare theformesofGod. In this teflimo nie,foure things mull be obferued. The firfl,that it is fuffici,' ent to certifieand atuurevsofour faluation. For ifthe<tcfl-irno. nie oftwo or three witneffeseflablifli a.truth among,men,then muchmore.the teflimonieofGod. Thefeeondis,that this te- fn/tonicmay becertenly knowne els it isno tefliinonie `into vs. The third is ,that this found andperceiued in thevfc ofthe word , praier, facraments: The laU'is,that it is e Qe..3 . fpecially