Chap.2. the Epijfle to theGalatians. ners, and Chrift lothnot make vs finncrs. Here let vs oblerue thcmodellieand meeknes ofPaul. The things which he fpeakes, concerne Peter , and the Iewos.: ?et leaf' he offend them , he applies them tohimfelfe . This care, g I not to offend, wasin Chrift :.whowas rather willing todepart frôhis right,then tooffend. Matt h. i 7.z7.AndPaul biddes vs pleafeallmen in that which ra geed. Here againe it is Pauls doctrine , that we make our (clues offendours, whenwebuildthat whichwe harm lanfa.-l/y defrcied. zo' Thus Teachers are great offenders , when good dottrine is ioyned with bad conuerfation. For good doctrine deflroies the kingdome of darknes,and bad conuerfation builds it vp a- gaine ;. Thus rulers are great offenders when good counfeli, and bad example goe together.For goodcounfell beats downe r g wickednes, and bad example (cis it vp againe. Thus beleeuers . inChrift are great offenders, when retòrmed religion, and vn- reformed life are ioyned together, as often they are. For then vnrefoormed life builds the kingdomeof finne, which Chrift bath deflroicd. 20 Further , we are here taught-to beconfiant in that.which is good,Tit. r.9. and to hold faft theGofpel whichwe profefre. We haue put vnder foote thePopish religion for this many yeares : our dude is to be confiant herein, and no way to build either inword, or deede, that whichwe haue to the vttermofI 25 ofour power deffroied. 19 For- I through the law am dead to thelaw, that I may hue unto 3° God.. In therewords, Paul lets down a fecond reafon, to prooue Chrifl to be no minitler ofíinne, in abort filing the iuffice of the law. And the realon is framed thus : We Jewes,iuft:fied by 35 Chrift, are dead to the law, not to line as we lift, but to hue to the honour of God. Therefore Chuff in takingaway the lu. (lice of the law, is not the miniiler ofhnne. Here three points are propounded: the firfi is,that thepet- On iuflifed , is dead to the law : the fecond, that he is dead to tithe law by the law the third , that.he is dead that hemayhue vt:to,