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t 3 6 Chap. z. Commentarie vpon untoGod. . For the better vnderfianding of the firfl point , we mull Bach what is meant byding to the lrnv. Here the law is compa red to anhard and cruell mafler : and we to flaues , or bond. Men : who fo longas they are aliue,they arevnder the domini S on, and at the commandof their matters: yet when theyare dead, theyare free from that bondage , and their mailers haue no more te doe with them. Here then , tobe decdto the lam, is tobe free from the dominion of the law. And we are free, in 3eottre refpeEls, Fir(t , in refpeei of the accufing ,and d"amnatorie to fentenceofthe Iaw.Rotn.8. r , Secondly,in refpeEi of the pow- er ofthe law, whereby as an occafion it prouoketh and fttrreth vp thecorruption of the heart in the vnregenerate. Rom. 7.8. Thirdly , in refpeft of the Rigour of the law, whereby it exa- Eteth mol} perfe& obedience for our iufì,fication. Thus Paul 15 here faith,that he it dead to the lare. Lait ly, in rcfpeet of the ob ligation of the confcience, to the obferuation of Ceremonies. Co1.2.zo. Thus areall perlons iuflifiedby the faith of Chrifi free from the law, Hence we learne , that the Papiflserre, and are deceiued, so when they teach, that the Law and the Gofpel are one for fub- fianceofdoeirine.For then they which are iuftified by Chrifi, fhould not onely be dead to the law , but alto to theGofpel. Now the Scripture faithnot , that perlons iuflified arc dead to the Gofpel. 25 They erre againe , in that they teach , that perlons iuflified by themerit ofthe death ofChrif},are further tobe iuflified by theworkes ofthe law. For he that is iuf}ified by Chrifl, is dead to the law : but if we be iuflified by workes, thenare we by Chrifl made aline to the law. 3o Thirdly, here we fee how Ion? thedominion of the law continueth, and when it endette. The law raignesouer all men without exception , till they be iuflifted. When they oncebe- ginnetobeleeue in Chrifi , and to amend their lines , then the dominion of the law ceafeth, and they thenare no morevnder 35 the law, but vnder grace. Here all Inch perlonsas line in the (e- curitie and hardnes of their hearts, are tobe admonifhed to repent oftheir finnes, and to beginne to turne vntoGod. For they mull know , that they hue vnder a moll hard and cruel! maller,.that will doe nothing but accufe,terrifie, &condcmne them,