the Epifle to the GRlatians. Chap.2. theta, andcaufe them to runne headlong to vtter defperation. And if theydie beefingvnder the law, theymutt looke for no- thingbut death anddethutionwithout .ntercie. For the law is mereílefre. This confideration fetucth notably to awake them 5 that arc dead in their finnes. Again, all fuch as with trueand hone(' hearts hauebegunne torepentandbcleenc, let them be ofgood comfort. For they arenot vnder the dominionof the law, but they are dead to the law , and vnder grace, hauing a Lord, who is alto their merciful' Sauiour , whowill glue them t o ; protetlion againti the terreursofthe law , and fpare them as a father (pares his child that fernes him , and not breake them thoughthey bebut as wcake andbruifed rcedes, and as fmoa- king flaxe. The fecond point is, touching-the meancs ofour death to a 5 the law, and that is,the Law. Here forre by the law,vndertland the lawoffaith, that is,theGolpel. Rom. 3.27. And they make" this tbbe the meaning ofthewords,By the lawofChre,that is, by the Gofpe', lamdead to the Lawof Mofes. But this fenfe, though it be atruth , yet will it not (land in this place. For it is 20 thequcfiron,whether by the gofpel we be freed from the law NowPaul, a learneddifputer,would not bring thequeflion to prooucit felfe.Thereforc,I take the truc meaningofthewords to be this: Ty the lawofMofes ,1am dead to the-lawofMofes. It maybe demanded,how this canbe,confidering the law isthe 25 caufeof no good thing invs? For it is the minuterieof death and condemnation. 2. Cor. 8.7.9. Againe,that which the law cannot reueale , it cannot worke but the lawneither can, nor loth reueale faith in Chrift , thedeath to the law, nor repen- tance, &c. thereforethe law isno caufe to worke them. It may 30 peraduenrure be Paid, that the law workes repentance,and for- row for finne. I anfwer, there is a double Repentance.One Le- gall, the otherEuangelicall. Legall is, when men haue a fight of their finnes , andwithall are grieued for thepunifhment there- of. This repentance iswrought by the minuterie ofthe law : it 3 5 was in Judas : andit is no graceofGod ; but of it felfe it is the way tohell. Euangelicall Repentance is , when beeing turned bygrace, we turne our fillies to God. Thisrepentance is agift ofgrace, and is not wrought by the law , but by theminuterie oftheGofpel.Again,there is a Legrallforrow,which is afarrow for mare, in refpeaofthepunifhrnent : this isno grace, and it S r is I__._ 37--