12 Chap. t. vlCommentarieupon and peace . The reafon: true happineffe,which all men defrre, conlif}s in peace,and is founded in graec : they are Paid to be happie &bleffed that mourne,& fufer perfecution for iuflice fake,Mat.5.becaufe in the middetl oftheir furrows & miferies, theyhaue the fauour ofGod,& the peace of good confcience. Thirdly in that grace& peace are ioyned,we learn,that peace without grace is nopeace.There isno peace to the nicked;faithmy ged,lfai.5y.lall.Thcy which make a couenät withbe! & death arc foonefl dcflroyed.Ifai.28. t 8. Laughter (faith Salotnon)is madnes:namel y,when it is feuered fromgrace and peace. When rarer.faypeace,peace,thencomes des truction, r .Theft. 5. The pro. fperitieofthc men of-thisworld,ends in perdition. read,Pf:7 3. Paul faith not (imply that Grace aridpeace comes fró God, but fromGod the father and from Iefus Chrifl : that hemay teach vs rightly to acknowledge and worfnip God.For God is tobe acknowledged and worfhipped in the father,inChrifl,& in the holy fpirit . It was the fault ofthe Pagans,and it is the faultoffundrieChriflianstoworfhipan abfoluteGod , with- out the father,and without Chtift.Thisfault muff be amended, for it turnes God to an Idol. Againe whenPaul faith , that grace proceeds firfl from the father,and fecondly from Iefus Chrifl:he lets downe the Order whichGodobferueth in thecommunication of & peace. The father is the fountaine ofgrace,and glues it from none but from him(èlfe Chrifl againe is(as it werc)a conduit; or pipe, to conuaic gracefrom the father to vs . Of his fulnefe we receiae graceforgrace. Ioh. r.ln hirer we are complete. CO). 2. Eleiìion, Iuflification,Saluation,and all is done in,and byChrifl.2.Tim. r.9.The vfc.I. Let them that trauell vnder the burdenofa bad . confcience,and a bad life come to Chrifl by turning from their finnes,and bybelecuingin him, and they (hall obtaine grace,& finde refl to their foules. I I.In our miferies,our heartsmay not be troubled ouerrruch,but we mull alwaies moderate our for - rowes.For ifwe beleeue in Chrifl, we (hall alwaies haue grace and peace. Read Ioh. r .. 27.1 I I. We mull moderateour cares for this life.Forifwetruflingin Chrifl,hue grace and peace, we (hail want nothing.rcad P(a1.4.v.6.7. Iefus Chrifl that glues grace and 'peace , is called , Our Lord, for two caufes . One is to teach vs to acknowledge Chrifi a- 1 riglrt,and that is as well to acknowledge him to be our Lord, as 5 ro 15 20 25 30 35