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I 38 Chap. 2. AContmentarie vpos is wroughtby the law. Easangelzcatlforrow , is forrow for finne, becaufe it is finne. This indeede is a grace ofGod ; but it is not wrought by the law,but by the preaching of mercy and recon- ciliation: and it followes in vsupon the apprehenfion ofGods merle by faith . The law then beeing the caule ofno good thing in vs, it may be demanded(I fay)howwe fhouldbedead to the law,by the law ? Ant Though the law benot a caufe of this death to the law, and fo to fume: yet it is an occafion there- of. For it accufeth,and terrifieth,and condemneth vs:and ther- by it occafioneth , or vrgethvs to flie veto Chrift , who is the caufe that we die unto the law. Asthe needle goes before,and drawesin the thrid, which fowes the cloth ; fo the law goes be- fore, and makes a way that grace may follow after , and take place in the heart. Thus mutt this place be vnderffood , and all other places that fpeake of the law in this manner: as Rom. 7.8.&c. The third point is, toúching the ende ofour deathto the law : and that is that we may ¡me to God. It may be demanded, what life this is ,wherebywe liue to God ? Ant: There is a na- turall,and a fpirituall life. Natural! life is that,which we receiuc from Adam by generation : and it is the funEtion of natural! ffacultics,in liuing,ntoouing,vfe of fenfes,and reafon. Spiritnall life, is that whichwe receiue fromChrifl by regeneration: and it is theaCtion,niotion,or operationof the fpirit in vs. This life is called by Paul, the life of Gad, Eph. 4. 18. And this is the life whichhe fpeakesof in this place. And it is dcfcribed by many things. Firi}, by theendé,and vfe of it. For itferues to makevs to flue to God, that is,to thehonour and glorie of God. Andwe line toGod by huingwigy,gody, iufy. Tit.3. i z. H zfdy,in re- fpeEf ofour felues :gody,in refpeet ofGod: ixfly,in rclpe& of men. That we mayhue wifely , we mull obferuc two roles. The farti: we muff labour with all diligence, and with all fpecrle, thatwe may be worthie to ftand before the forme of man at his comming. And thereforewe mull labour to be in Chill!, hauing true faith and goodconfeiencc. Eph 5. i ç.Luk, 2 t .36. Confider alto the exampleof Paul. A61. 24. :6. It is truewif- dometo bewife for our foules, and for euerlaftinghappines: and it was thefollie of the foolifh virgins,that they did not fur- nifb themfelues with the oyic of grace in time conucnieot. 1 Ths, ro is zc 2r 30 "sp