Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

tho LFfile to the Gabniatrtr- Chap. 2. thoubelecue thy felfe to be crucified withChrifl, thou (halt fce the legth, thebreadth,the height, the depthof the loue ofgod in Chrifl. For thy finncs are the fwords , and the fpeares that crucified Chrift : and yet thouhaft all the benefit of his pafli- 5 on. Laftly, if thou cane beleeue that thou art crucified with Chrift, thou (halt further be afl-itred , that he is partner with thee inall thy miferies and aif7iaions , to cafe thce,and to make thee to beare them. z .Pct.4. t 3. CoL r.24. The duties hence to be learned , are theft. Firfl , if thoube $o crucifiedwith Chriff , then mutt thou applie thy heart to cru- cific the bodie of corruption in thee, by ptaier, falling, by a- uoidingthe occafiona, by abflainingfró the praaife of finne, andby all goodmeancs. Behold a man hanged vpon a gyb- bet. Thou feels he bath fatisfied the law : and there is no fur- 5 ther iudiciall proceeding againfl hurt : and withall thou heft howhe ceafethfrom his thefts, murders, blafphemies : euen fo if thou canft behold thy (elfe fpredvpon the erotic of Chrift, and crucified with him , there will be in thee a newminde and difpofition, and thou wilt ceafe from thine oldoffences. A- 2o gaine, beeing crucified with Chrift , thou mull be conforma- ble to Chrift in thy fufferings. IË-1e fuffered in loue ; and the more hispaflion increafed, the morehe filmedhis loue : euen fo in thine a4}7iElions and fufferings,thy loue to God & man mull be increafed , though man be the caufc of thine aff iûi- 25 ons. Secondly, Chriftfuffered in obedience : Net my rill, brit thy rxi11 be gene : euen fo in all thy fu%rings, thou muff refigne thy Idle to God, and quiet thy felfe in his will. Thirdly, Chrift fuffered in all humilitie , humbling himfclfe to the death of the erotic : cuen fo we, in,and vpon our of lotions, are tohumble ß our (clues under the rnightie hand of God, confefling our, Citifies , and intreating for pardon. Fourthly, he (ttf;crcd in faith as man dependingon his fathers goodnes , cuen in the middeft of his pa(lion : euen fo are we to doe. Fifthly, he went on conflantly inhis fnfferin s to the very death : cuen fo are 35 we to Puffer in the refillingof finne euenunto the fheddingof. our blood. Laflly, the principali care ofChrifl was , to fee the fruit of his fufferings : fowhen we arediflreffed,our care rnufr rather be to fee the fruit ofour dill reffe , then to feeke de ine- rance. Thisconformitie with Chrift in his pafflon , is an infal- ihblewerke and tokenofthe child ofGod, and a franc that we-